In the link between dermatological affections and venereal disease, syphilis was central. The dermal manifestations of early syphilitic infection —small ulcers or sores, usually around the genitals, and later a blotchy rash and warty growths—had long been recognised, but it was only in the 1840...
Clinical typesAcute LESubacute LEChronic LE SubtypesButterfly rashAnnularLocalized (face) Disseminated erythemaPsoriasiformCutaneous Bullous LEExanthematousDisseminated LE profunda and others PhotosensitivityHighMedium to highMedium SLE association>95%50%<5% ...
Wondering what kind of rash it was that you tried this on? How old is your daughter? And if she’s had any other types of similar reactions before? There’s a lot of factors at play here, so it would be a good idea to try and find the root cause of this reaction, so you can...
a bit during the procedure. But i felt like my whole face was burning. is it normal? the doc did not tell me that my face wud look this way..though she said it would peel off in 2-3 days. i have posted a pic of how it looks 2 days after the procedure. is it normal?
When the weather cooled down, thank goodness the red summer allergy rash on Boogie’s face went away. But we now have another skin-related problem. (Sigh – There’s always something else, isn’t there?)In the sunlight, Boogie’s black coat looks like it has white splotches or specks ...
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has disrupted global health systems and brought the entire globe to its knees. Although born as a disease of the respiratory system, COVID-19 can affect different parts of the body, including the skin. Reports of ongoing skin mani