Forge uses an array though fabric you can split websites using semicolons ; This is to add easier support with mod menu. If there are any other image servers you want to be whitelisted by default feel free to suggest them to me or send me a DM and I will check them out. We are ...
Install Guide Download the jar named with "Forge" for Forge or "Fabric" for Fabric. Put the jar into ".minecraft/mods" folder. The jar can be used in 1.8-1.16.5. What's this? Custom Skin Loader mod for Minecraft. It's a mod which can load skin from any online source or local s...
预编译:首先,我们想要把Nginx以www:www用户运行,所以我这里创建一个www用户,附属于www用户组:(依次输入以下命令)sudo useradd www (创建一个www用户)sudo groupadd www(创建一个www用户组)sudo usermod -a -G www www( www用户归属于www用户组)之后,开始预编译:复制下方代码回车 /configure \--pref...
如没有CustomSkinLoader此文件 可在.minecraft中查找,或者.minecraft的mod文件夹里查找 如果还是没有 安装完MOD没有进入游戏,请进入一下再回来找文件 mod安装失败,请在mods文件夹里查找是否有此mod 注:littleskin官方显示晚上六点后皮肤刷新困难,可能出现没有皮肤的情况,可在早上重新刷新皮肤进入查看 有什么问题给我留...
2. 发布了更好的皮肤MOD,适用于1.2.5/1.3.1/1.3.2,支持高清皮肤,完美地兼容了Forge、Player API、ModLoader等API。建议下载并安装新版皮肤MOD。3. 皮肤MOD安装器随之更新至2.1版,自动检测版本并安装MOD。4. 使用JDK6重新编译,防止在JRE6环境下出错的情况。5. 使用动态IP抓取图片,解决了从McMySkin皮肤库获取...
This is the avatars forFigura, the skin mod forMinecraftJava Edition, which are imitated characters who appear in "Blue Archive" the game for mobile devices. Target figura version:0.1.5 (You can watch the introduction video by clicking the above image.) ...
This is "Cat maid (猫メイド)", the avatar for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft. Target figura version: 0.1.4 (Some avatar functions don't work correctly in Minecraft 1.20.4 doe to a bug in Figura. I recommend using in Minecraft 1.20.1.) Features Has cat ears, cat tail, and ma...
Custom Skin Loader mod for Minecraft. Compatibility Minecraft: Java Edition 1.21.x 1.20.x 1.19.x 1.18.x 1.17.x 1.16.x 1.15.x 1.14.x 1.13.x 1.12.x 1.11.x 1.10.x 1.9.x 1.8.x Platforms Supported environments Client-side 75% of ad revenue goes to creators ...
【求助】关于万用皮肤..事情是这样的。万用皮肤补丁支持在1.7.10使用双层皮肤,于是我想下一个放进我的整合包里。但是放进整合包里不生效,在Mods List选项里找不到该mod,且没有任何报错提示目前可以排除是forge版