Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery has dermatologist-recommended products suitable for sensitive skin. Different skin-soothing products are available over the counter which contain menthol, camphor and capsaicin. These may also help control itching when combined with other home-care remedies. If ...
An itch caused by another condition usually affects your whole body and doesn't cause a rash.You might also start itching after the treatments for some of these illnesses. Kidney dialysis, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy have it as a side effect. (Learn more aboutchemotherapy side effects.)...
By Annette | 1 post,last postover a year ago Dr Artem Agafonovanswered this Anal Skin Tags: What They (Usually) Are, What to Do About Them Read more New ReplyFollowNew Topic Annetteover a year ago I had been a hemorrhoid sufferer for years. They developed during and after my first pre...
Latex allergy usually develops after repeated exposure to latex products, including balloons or medical gloves. Symptoms may include hives, itching or a stuffy or runny nose. Some people may experience asthma symptoms, such as wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.Symptoms begin within min...
infections or conditions. Deeply infected lesions may require minor surgery to lance and drain pus. Topical agents to sooth irritated skin and reduce inflammation may also be applied.Corticosteroidsare particularly effective in reducing inflammation anditching(puritis). Oatmeal baths, baking soda mixtures...
With the hands it can be after I've gone to bed, or before I go to bed. Sometimes I wake up in the wee hours with my hands itching. When that happens I make the mistake of thinking I can just ignore and go back to sleep, but it keeps me up until I finally have to go to ...
Thus, if you are struggling with an unsightly skin cyst or lump, surgery may be your best option for finding lasting relief. What happens after surgery After undergoing cyst or lump removal surgery, you may experience a few common side effects, such as bruising, swelling, or pain at the ...
These urges can come in the form of ideas such as a need to remove irregularities like scabs, sores, or pimples, or physical feelings like skin itching or tingling. Experts think that focused picking may be an attempt to avoid feelings of discomfort or boredom. Where Dermatillomania Shows ...
The skin is usually of normal color (unless accompanied by urticaria or erythema) and temperature, and pain and itching are uncommon. The areas most commonly involved are the hands, face, feet, and genitalia. Of special concern is the potential involvement of the lips, tongue, pharynx, and ...
These white patches are devoid of color and often first noted soon after birth. To some doctors with a botanical bent, they look like ash leaves. They are only one of a number of skin findings found in a rare systemic disease called tuberous sclerosis. This very serious genetic condition ma...