Malignant: These are cancerous and would require treatment in the short-term (rather than a wait-and-see approach). Skin Tag Alamy These are skin-colored growths on the surface of the skin. [2] This bump is still worth mentioning here. These often appear in areas of irritation or where...
Early on, skin tags may be as small as a flattened pinhead-sized bump. While most tags are typically small (2 mm to 5 mm in diameter) at approximately one-third to one-half the size of a pencil eraser, some may become as large as a big grape (1 cm in diameter) or a fig (5 ...
A lesion is the medical term for a part of the skin that has an irregular appearance compared to the healthy skin around it. A lesion is typically made up of cells, caused by malformations of the structure of the skin. Many factors, including the natural aging process, can cause different...
The term for a small, raised spot or bump on the skin, such as a mole is: a) wheat. b) macule. c) papule. d) bulla. The medical term for platelet is: a) coagulocyte. b) hepatocyte, c) leukocyte. d) thrombocyte. Fluid filled sacs found betwe...
If you are uncertain about what you have, or if the bump is not going away, is growing, spreading, or worsening, get examined by your healthcare provider. Raised bumps can sometimes indicate skin cancer. Seeing a healthcare provider can help you with a diagnosisthat will dictate the treatme...
All these bumps share one common characteristic. They’re considered non-inflammatory lesions, which means there is generally no infection present and they usually don’t go away unless they’re removed. If a bump becomes red, inflamed, or painful, it’s likely a type of blemish. Addressing ...
If you have symptoms of tiny lumps or bumps just beneath the skin in your vaginal area that are itchy or red, you may simply have ingrown hairs or razor burn. The redness that accompanies them is caused by inflammation. The bump itself is filled with pus. These bumps can be picked up ...
Nevus (medical term for mole) is a non-cancerous pigmented tumor. While most nevi never become cancerous (or malignant), a small number of atypical/dysplastic nevi (moles with abnormal shape/borders/color) may turn cancerous. When such dysplastic nevi run in families, the condition is called...
Noun1. tuberculin skin test- a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin tuberculin test skin test- any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the ...
These are the medical terms for some common skin spots and bumps: Comedo (KOM-ee-do): a blackhead, whitehead, or pimple. Example: acne. Macule (MAK-yool): a small, flat, colored spot. Example: freckles. Papule (PAP-yool): a small, hard bump. Example: warts. Plaque (PLAK)...