When you apply for a marketing job, one of the first things employers look for is that you have the right skills for the role. While entry-level marketing jobs are attainable for most college graduates, moving up as a marketer at any company requires experience and skills. We can’t help...
We empower data-driven marketers with the right tools, resources, and high-ROI strategies to position their businesses for growth.
What skills are marketing employers looking for? Creativity: robots might do well optimizing old ideas. But new, creative solutions have to be designed by humans! UX Design: in our world driven by technology, providing a good user experience will make or break any product. Video Production: an...
Get timely updates and fresh ideas delivered to your inbox. Sign up now Just For You 6 Ways Marketing Automation Can Help Reduce the Effects of Inflation 5 min read Data Security and Consumer Privacy Measures Companies Need to Know 6 min read Didn’t Get Tickets to Dreamforce in Pe...
This article discusses what qualities in a marketer help make a marketing team stronger, as well as how to narrow down an overwhelming list of resumes to make the right hire.
On LinkedIn Learning, you’ll find a library of courses designed to advance your digital marketing skills. Digital marketing courses like “SEO Foundations” and “Digital Marketing Trends” are among the most popular LinkedIn Learning courses for marketers: ...
aThis suggests that successful companies are likely to have strong marketing skills-in the language of the marketing profession, they will have a high degree of market orientation (a concept usually measured by the extent that a company bases its activities on information about consumers, through ...
The Romance of Marketing: Use Dating Skills to Build Relationships With Customers.The author shares tips on leveraging content as part of a marketing communications plan. She stresses that content in the right places at the right times can help make the special connection with the right people. ...
Here are the essential 20 digital marketing skills that will help you advance in your career and push the needle for your company. 1. Writing & Editing This might be the most important skill set to have as a digital marketer: There’s one job in digital where you don’t have to write...
3. Ability to run and analyze Email Marketing Campaigns The email was basic in the past and but now, for Digital Marketing Manager. It is all about breaking down bounce rates, niche targeting, conversions, and open rates. Indeed, even the big businesses have not been using Email marketing ...