Skill setshould not be confused withset of skills(often written asa very particular set of skills), which, when encountered on the Internet, typically is a farcical reference to Liam Neeson’s threatening telephonic monologue from the 2008 movieTaken. Do you think one of the skills in his set...
Many customer service skills can be learned and refined with practice. Here are 10 tips to provide top customer support and gain loyal customers.
Source: Skillset.cs 获取或设置技能集中的技能列表。 C# 复制 [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="skills")] public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Skill> Skills { get; set; } 属性值 IList<Skill> 属性 Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute 适用于 产...
Skill Set: A Measurement of Journalistic Skills, Accuracy, and Objectivity in Television JournalistsKeith, David
Skillset Magazine is the number one go-to resource for living the alpha male (& female!) lifestyle. Get the most out of life with Skillset!
“skills”是技能;技术;技巧(skill的复数形式)。《21世纪大英汉词典》里的更多释义:1、技能,技巧,技艺 2、熟练,熟巧,能力 3、手艺,工艺 4、[单数复数同]熟练工;技术员 5、(专门的)技术 6、理由,原因 7、理解力,判断力;知识 8、有作用,有影响 9、起作用,有助 10、[用于否定句...
possess a broadset of skillsinstakeholder management and communications planning, and deliver [...] 我们经验丰富的顾问在利益相关者管理和沟通规划方面拥有广泛的技能,能够提供具有完整性、一致性和准确性的高品质工作成果。
Hard skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to quantify. Examples of hard skills include: proficiency in a foreign language, a degree or certificate, typing speed, machine operation, computer programming. These hard skil..
A list of skills may be added to a campus to allow users to be assigned skills and searched by skill set. The Skill Summary page allows the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition Administrator basic functionality such as the ability to select, add, or remove a skill. Details about each skill may also...
Employers are increasingly looking for candidates with hybrid skills, which are a combination of soft and technical skills. Candidates with this skill set are very competitive in a continually evolving, technologically focused economy. If you possess thetop skills employers seekin candidates for employme...