HCA Gulf Coast Division CEO I chose to take coaching courses as a way to phase out practicing medicine as an emergency physician. I quickly realized that I was suffering from physician burnout. I not only received understanding of what I was experiencing as a physician, I had received training...
inpatient, surgical, acute care settings) and the identified learning needs of the individual. Many residents participate in the standard coaching process once/year. Some are coached more frequently for ongoing skill development once a domain or potential improvement area ...
Reading skillsGap filingObjective: This study aimed to (1) evaluate the gap filling skills and reading mistakes of students with cochlear implants, and to (2) compare their results with those of their normal-hearing peers. The effects of implantation age and total time of cochlear implant use ...
Findarticles,periodicalandjournalsinareaoflawAustralia AGISTextbooksAustlii Relevantjournals–allinresearchguide RefugeeSurveyQuarterly-amultidisciplinarypeer-reviewedjournal.RefugeesMagazine-publishedbytheUNHCR:theUNRefugeeAgency.InternationalJournalofRefugeeLaw-aquarterlypublicationon...
Digital literacy is the primary factor affecting quality of life in the digital age. If a country fails to adopt and utilize information and communication technologies (ICTs), it will encounter digital exclusion as it cannot access conventional mainstream information sources [3]. The policy of ...
sustainability Article An Exploratory Study of the Learning of Transferable Skills in a Research-Oriented Intensive Course in Atmospheric Sciences Taina Ruuskanen *, Hanna Vehkamäki, Laura Riuttanen and Antti Lauri Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research/Physics, Faculty of Science, ...
This study used a quasi-experimental two-group pre-test-post-test design to investigate the effects of food art therapy on the self-esteem, self-expression, and social skills of persons with mental illness attending community rehabilitation facilities. The authors recruited persons with mental ...