TheTalent Developercurates a learning portfolio proven to build organization-relevant skills. The future of HR is beautifully designed. Web & Native Apps.SkillsHub is available on desktops and smartphones. Built for Everyone.Our tools are designed for white and blue collar workers of all age grou...
Santa Cruz, CALIF. (January 14, 2021) AI and Machine Learning developers worldwide are planning what skills to learn in 2021. Most believe familiarity with common machine learning libraries should be their key focus for improvement. However, advancing a career path requires honing additional skills...
What Are the Top Skills for Software Developers? When IT leaders invest in software developer skills, organizations and their employees grow together. But, as the tech landscape continues to evolve at such a rapid speed, it raises the question: what are the best skills for software developers...
Learn about AI and access resources and training on in demand artificial intelligence and machine learning skills for jobs and organizations.
So, what specific skills should you look for when hiring a mobile developer for your venture? From technical skills involving testing, security practices and database management to soft skills, let’s delve into the essential competencies that distinguish exceptional developers from the rest of the ...
While competition in the job market may be tighter on the heels of layoffs and anxiety around Generative AI, there are still many job openings for developers out there — and there will only continue to be. After all, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates developer employment toincre...
Find digital skills training and resources and learn skills for in-demand jobs, including curriculum and training materials for educators and organizations.
For example, it’s worth learning to use AI as a support tool that can handle repetitive or menial software development tasks. AI can also take over automation and compilation processes, as well as debugging and testing. As a developer, you can capitalize on the inherent strength...
Develop your AI coding skills: (Part 1) with Aaron Stark, Natalie Mickey Azure Enablement Show Nov 30, 2023 In this two-part mini-series of the Azure Enablement Show, Aaron and Natalie discuss why knowing how to develop AI-enabled apps is a crucial skill for developers! Natalie shares some...
Unlock the potential of AI with our learning hub. Gain essential AI skills, and prepare for AI innovation using the Microsoft Cloud. Empower your AI skill-building journey with expert guidance and resources.