如果你已经在英国找到了一份有技术含量的工作(Skilled Job),并且你的雇主是英国政府官方认可的有工签资质的公司或机构(Licensed Sponsors),那么你就可以办理Skilled Worker Visa(以下称工作签证)了,这是…
如果你已经在英国找到了一份有技术含量的工作(Skilled Job),并且你的雇主是英国政府官方认可的有工签资质的公司或机构(Licensed Sponsors),那么你就可以办理Skilled Worker Visa(以下称工作签证)了,这是专门给在英长期工作的人设置的签证...
英国可以工作的签证有非常多类别,其中英国工签(Skilled Worker Visa,曾用名Tier 2)主要针对找到担保公司工作的申请人,也就是我们口中一般所说的英国“工签”,是大部分同学留在英国工作所办理的签证类型。 什么是英国工签(Skilled Worker Visa)? 如果你已经在英国找到了一份有技术含量的工作(Skilled Job),并且你的...
Skilled worker visa eligibility requirements are: Have a job offer from a UK employer Your employer must be on the list of licenced sponsors1 approved by the Home Office Your employer must have issued you with a valid “Certificate of Sponsorship” The job for which you are being employed mu...
The Skilled Worker Dependant visa allows family members of Skilled Worker visa holders to live, work, and study in the UK. Eligible dependants include spouses, partners and children under 18. Children aged 16 or over must show they are financially dependent, unmarried and not living independently...
The majority of Tier 2 visa applications will be made under the Tier 2 (General) subcategory. This enables skilled non-EEA migrant workers to accept an offer of a job that cannot be filled by a suitably qualified or skilled settled worker, including workers coming to the UK to fill shortag...