Update Skilled Worker Visa 更新工签详细流程 01 工签担保函(Sponsorship of Certificate) 当确定好要换雇主的时候,首要做的事情就是和新雇主商榷好上工时间,并让其出正式工签担保函(Sponsorship of Certificate)。拿到工签担保函之后,可在开工前的3个月内在政府官网申请工签更新。 点击开始之后,按照官网内容提示完...
如果你已经在英国找到了一份有技术含量的工作(Skilled Job),并且你的雇主是英国政府官方认可的有工签资质的公司或机构(Licensed Sponsors),那么你就可以办理Skilled Worker Visa(以下称工作签证)了,这是…
条件二:企业拥有Sponsor License后,还要获得移民局针对申请人工作岗位颁发的COS号(Certificate of Sponsorship)。 因此想要拿到工签并不容易,雇主和申请人必须同时满足要求,才有资格申请。 工签转永居要求 持有Skilled Worker Visa; 已经在英国生活和工作了5年,并且任意12个月内离境不超过180天;...
The specific eligibility criteria fora skilled work visadepend on your job. Generally, before applying for a skilled worker visa, you must meet the following requirements: Employment You must have genuine employment in the UK at the appropriate skill level. Sponsorship Licence The employer who offer...
Skilled worker visa eligibility requirements are: Have a job offer from a UK employer Your employer must be on the list of licenced sponsors1 approved by the Home Office Your employer must have issued you with a valid “Certificate of Sponsorship” The job for which you are being employed mu...
2024年4月,为了进一步减少创纪录的净移民数,英国前保守党政府宣布将家庭签证(Family visa)最低收入要求从此前的18,600英镑提高到29,000英镑,并计划在今年晚些时候再次将其提高到34,500英镑,然后在2025年提高到38,700英镑,最终与技术工...
During this period, you must secure a job offer that meets the Skilled Worker Visa requirements, including minimum salary thresholds and sponsorship from a licensed employer. If you are unable to find a new sponsor, you will need to leave the UK within the curtailment period. It’s important...
Permitted Length of Stay on a Skilled Worker Visa The Skilled Worker visa allows individuals to apply initially in the UK for up to 5 years. Applicants can choose any duration for their visa up to this maximum, depending on the period in the certificate of sponsorship issued by the employer...
Skilled Worker Visa是英国的一项工作签证计划,旨在吸引有技能和经验的外国人来英国工作。此签证允许您来英国或留在英国,为经批准的雇主从事符合条件的工作。
Skilled Worker Sponsor Licence Apply for a Skilled Worker Sponsor Licence to hire foreign nationals under the Skilled Worker visa. We are specialists in sponsor licence applications & compliance. CONTENTS For UK employers faced with skills shortages in t