To apply for a skilled visa in Australia, you must check your occupation in the latest and relevant Skilled Occupation List of Australia.
Job opportunities are the foremost advantage to a skilled migrant where the jobvacancies are fulfilled and the economic stability is maintained. Considering the prosand cons of Australia, the pros are good quality health care in Australia,ExcellentAustralian education system, freedom of speech and reli...
However, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and CPA Australia have both said that accounting must stay on the list as there is a shortage of accountants. In a submission to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s review of skilled migration, they argue tha...
Northern Territory Occupation List Australian Point Test Australia job search Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) Features This visa, referred to as the TSS visa, enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in genuinely skilled workers where they cannot source an appropriately skil...
The list on which your job appears on the relevant list (Short Term Skilled Occupation List – STSOL or Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List – MLTSTL) Your overall point score The number of people in your occupation who have already lodged an EOI ...
− The legitimacy of your job offer will be checked. If Business and Skilled Migration Queensland are not satisfied with the job offer, you will not be nominated. Category ANZSCO code Occupation Specialisation and other requirements Assessing Authority EOIs accepted Business and Finance 221213 ...
Applicants who have at least 12 months of work experience in Western Australia (WA) and a contract for full-time work of at least 35 hours per week in the nominated or closely related occupation, are able to explore sponsorship through WA. Please note the WA occupation list is currently lim...
It may also be the case that one state requires a higher English test score than the next, whilst another requires a job offer from an employer or evidence of substantial settlement funds – so it’s important to weigh up your options. What is a skill assessment? Depending on which authori...
Freelancer is an Australia-based platform where businesses and individuals can hire freelancers to work across job categories like software, sales, and telecommunications. It uses a Milestone Payment system that releases payments when your VAs have finished the given task and you’re 100% satisfied...