A cross sectional study of 109 physiotherapy students; 23 males aged 19.57 (1.44) years and 86 females aged 20.02 (2.61) years. The following health and skill-related physical fitness components were assessed: body mass index (BMI), modified sit and reach, partial curl-up, push-ups, ...
体适能由健康体适能(Health-relatedPhysicalFitness)和技能体适能(SkillrelatedPhysicalFitness)组成。健康体适能是与健康有密切关系的体适能,是指()发挥最理想效率的能力。 A. 心血管、肺和肌肉 B. 心血管、大脑和肌肉 C. 大脑、肺和肌肉 D. 心血管、肺和肌肉 ...
标准答案:A 本题分析: 体适能由健康体适能(Health-related Physical Fitness)和技能体适能(Skill-related Physical Fitness )组成。健康体适能是与健康有密切关系的体适能,是指心血管、肺和肌肉发挥最理想效率的能力。 其他试题 1.水的主要生理功能是构成人体组织、参与物质代谢、运输物质,还有( )和( ) A....
The primary objective of this study is to comprehensively evaluate and implement health and skill-related physical fitness tests as pre-assessment tools for assessing students' physical fitness levels within educational settings. This study employed a descriptive evaluation technique in identifying the resea...
体适能由健康体适能(Health-relatedPhysicalFitness)和技能体适能(SkillrelatedPhysicalFitness)组成。健康体适能是与健康有密切关系的体适能,是指()发挥最理想效率的能力。 A心血管、肺和肌肉 B心血管、大脑和肌肉 C大脑、肺和肌肉 D心血管、肺和肌肉 ...
There are specific types of activity that improve fitness related to health and skill. Learn the importance of aerobic, strength straining, and mental health exercises through tried-and-true examples. Exercise and Health Think back to the last time you exercised. Did you feel better once you ...
网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目: 搜题 题目内容(请给出正确答案) [单选题] A.心血管、肺和肌肉 B. 心血管、大脑和肌肉 C. 大脑、肺和肌肉 D. 心血管、肺和肌肉 查看答案
Executive function is generally considered to be a multidimensional structure consisting of three main components: inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility [4, 5], and has been validated and recognized by subsequent researchers [6, 7]. The childhood stage is a critical stage of ...
} }, "isAvailableWorldwide": false, "testingInstructions": "1) Say 'Alexa, hello world or good morning", "category": "HEALTH_AND_FITNESS", "distributionCountries": [ "US", "GB" ] }, "apis": {}, "manifestVersion": "1.0", "permissions": [], "privacyAndCompliance": {}, "events...
performance or simply aiming to enhance your everyday life, Skill Yoga is here to guide you. Download the app today and embark on a journey to improved health, vitality, and performance. The first workout plan is entirely free, and you'll find numerous complimentary sessions in our library ...