公差和相应配合 本章节中的参数表提供关于轴承公差、轴承位公差以及相应配合的信息(图 1)。如果轴承位和轴采用 ISO 公差等级, 且轴承内外径采用普通级公差,那么利用这些参数表的信息,便能够轻松确定其配合的最大值和最小值。SKF 轴承选型器为单个轴承提供相似的功能。 当d ≤ 30 mm 或 D ≤ 1...
Fits for rolling bearings are typically specified with standard tolerance classes for holes and shafts as described in ISO 286-2. As bearings are typically manufactured to ISO tolerances (Tolerances), the selection of the tolerance class for the bearing seat determines the fit.Fig. 1illustrates the...
iron and cast steel. The bearing seating of the housings is ensure correct location of the associated caps and bases, machined to tolerances such that a loose fit of the bearing which are NOT interchangeable. outer ring is assured and in most cases the seating width is such that the bearing...
imperial),speedratings,weights(mass),andloadratings. Tablesareincludedofferingshaftandhousingfits,internal clearancesofallshownbearingtypesandclearance reduction(drive-up)recommendationsformounting sphericalrollerbearingsontaperedseats. SKFhasbeensupplyingCanadianindustrywithtopquality bearings,relatedproductsandservicessin...
seal and bearing together, maintaining the seal on an axis parallel to the shaft. This configuration allows extremely close tolerances to be maintained between the housing and the shaft, delivering a sealing performance that is recognised as one of the best in the anti-friction bearing industry. ...
A bearing assembly includes a stationary component, a rotatable component and a preloadable double row bearing unit having a rotatable bearing ring and a stationary bearing ring and
Structure of the catalogue The catalogue starts with general product infor- mation, followed by nine main chapters, which are marked with numbered blue tabs in the right margin: • Chapter 1 provides design and application recommendations. • Chapters 2 to 7 describe the various bearing and ...