2.Distorted or biased in meaning or effect. 3.Having a part that diverges, as in gearing. 4. a.MathematicsNeither parallel nor intersecting. Used of straight lines in space. b.StatisticsNot symmetrical about the mean. Used of distributions. ...
The meaning of SKEWNESS is lack of straightness or symmetry : distortion; especially : lack of symmetry in a frequency distribution.
One popular measure of skewness is Pearson’s First Coefficient, which is the ratio of the difference between mean and mode to the standard deviation. If the data is positively skewed, the coefficient is positive; else it is negative for negatively skewed data. An example of positively skewed ...
The distribution is right-skewed because it’s longer on the right side of its peak. There is a long tail on the right, meaning that every few decades there is a year when the number of sunspots observed is a lot higher than average. The mean of a right-skewed distribution is almost ...
Ifflagis1(default), then the skewness ofXis biased, meaning it tends to differ from the population skewness by a systematic amount based on the sample size. Ifflagis0, thenskewnesscorrects for the systematic bias. Data Types:single|double|logical ...
The skewness of a price data series is measured in terms of the third moment about the mean of the distribution. If the distribution is symmetric, the skewness is zero. The measure of skewness is given by (37.14)Skewness = 1nΣi=1n(xi−x¯)3σ3. The kurtosis describes the extent...
Mesokurtic distributions are similar to a normal distribution, meaning their kurtosis value is close to 0. In these distributions, the spread of data is moderate, not too wide or narrow, and the peak of the curve is of medium height, not too tall or too flat. ...
Although such measures can estimate the mode, the proposed estimator of the mode, based on densest half ranges, has a much lower bias while having similar robustness. Like the median, this mode estimator has the highest breakdown point possible: the estimator has meaning if less than half the...
This indicates that the majority of the values in the data are concentrated towards the higher end, with a few extremely low values dragging the mean towards the left. ### Zero Skewness A distribution with zero skewness is perfectly symmetrical, meaning the left and right tails are of equal ...
Student (1927, Biometrika, 19, 160) published a cute description of kurtosis, which I quote here: “Platykurtic curves have shorter ‘tails’ than the normal curve of error and leptokurtic longer ‘tails.’ I myself bear in mind the meaning of the words by the above memoria technica, ...