Mesokurtic distributions are similar to a normal distribution, meaning their kurtosis value is close to 0. In these distributions, the spread of data is moderate, not too wide or narrow, and the peak of the curve is of medium height, not too tall or too flat. (Kurtosis = 3) Mesokurtic...
Kurtosis was the same for each couple of distributions with the same absolute level of skewness. We can test for skewness-seeking behavior only in the positive–negative treatment because, in the other two treatments, the two distributions did not have the same kurtosis. An individual is ...
Student (1927, Biometrika, 19, 160) published a cute description of kurtosis, which I quote here: “Platykurtic curves have shorter ‘tails’ than the normal curve of error and leptokurtic longer ‘tails.’ I myself bear in mind the meaning of the words by the above memoria technica, where...