skew group ringsTwo characterizations of an Azumaya Galois extension of a ring are given in terms of the Azumaya skew group ring of the Galois group over the extension and a Galois extension of a ring with a special Galois system is determined by the trace of the Galois group....
3) Skew group ring 斜群环 补充资料:代数群的Lie代数 代数群的Lie代数 lie algebra of an algebraic group 代数群的lie代数【价吻曲口ofan碑灼面c grouP;瓜幼。6pa幼rc6PaH,ecKO盆印担““1 与解析群的lie代数(Lieal罗bra of an analyticgro印)类似,存在着与仿射代数群相关的Lie代数.如同在解析情形一样...
2) skew monoid ring 斜幺半群环 3) semigroup semiring 半群半环 1. The result about the identity of semigroup ring are generalized to that ofsemigroup semiring. 将半群环的单位元的有关结论推广到半群半环上 ,得到 :若半群半环R[S]含单位元 ,则简约半群半环RS含单位元 ,R含单位元 ,且RT...
Dubrovin Valuation Skew Group RingsDubrovin Valuation Skew Group Ringsdoi:10.1007/s101140200172Some equivalent characterizations for a skew group ring to be a Dubrovin valuation ring are given. Among them all the prime ideals of a Dubrovin valuation skew group ring are characterised.Zhong YiActa...
Idealisers in skew group rings 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者: R Reynolds 摘要: Let C be a commutative noetherian domain, G be a finitely generated abelian group which acts on C and B=C#G be the skew group ring. For a prime ideal IC, we study the largest subring ...
Then any homogeneous nilsubsemigroup of the multiplicative semigroup of the skew group ring is nilpotent. This theorem can be considered as a skew analogue of a well-known classical result in the ring theory, Shock–Fisher theorem.(in Russian): (340 kB) 01.04.1995 V. A. Mushrub, "On ...
Let FG be the group ring of a group G over a field F of characteristic different from 2, and let FG have an involution induced from one on G. Assuming that G has no elements of order 2 and no dihedral group involved, we determine the conditions under which the set of skew elements ...
The Brauer group of a commutative ring TAMS, 97 (1960), pp. 367-409 View in Scopus Google Scholar 4. M. Auslander, and I. Reiten, Stable equivalence of artin algebras, Proceedings, Conference on Orders, Group Rings and Related Topics, in “Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 353,” pp. ...
Semi-graded rings were defined by Lezama and Latorre [26] in the following way: a ring R is called semi-graded (SG) if there exists a collection \{R_p\}_{p\in \mathbb {N}} of subgroups R_p of the additive group R^{+} such that the following conditions hold: R = \bigoplus...
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