skew chisel 斜角木刻刀相关短语 bevel (木石等材料削斜角) 割角 India oil stone(修表工磨雕刻刀用) 印度油石 geosyncline (地向斜) 地槽 front pilot (拉刀的) 前导部 gash angle(铣刀) 齿缝角 microfeed (走刀) 微量进给 working back plane (车刀的) 工作纵向剖面 auxiliary angle (刀具的) 副偏角 ...
A tool used for wood turning that has a straight cutting edge sharpened at an angle to the shank.McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. skew chisel 1. A woodworking chisel having the edge oblique and a bezel on ...
Synonyms for skew in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for skew. 19 synonyms for skew: distort, slant, misrepresent, colour, twist, weigh, bias, falsify, chop, cut, sheer, slue, swerve, veer, yaw, bias, slant, angle, skewed. What are synonyms for skew?
Define Skew deviation. Skew deviation synonyms, Skew deviation pronunciation, Skew deviation translation, English dictionary definition of Skew deviation. n. 1. a. The act of deviating or turning aside. b. An instance of this: "We made so many deviations
A single skew works great. I use mine bevel down and bevel up to get into left and right corners. Making a skew chisel involves blunting the tip at the skew angle, grinding the bevel, and then honing. It's not difficult at all.GARRETT HACKFine Woodworking...
(Architecture) an arch or vault, esp one used in a bridge or tunnel, that is set at an oblique angle to the span Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
6. having a part that deviates from a straight line, right angle, etc.: skew gearing. 7. Statistics. (of a distribution) having skewness. n. 8. an oblique movement, direction, or position. 9. a wood chisel having a cutting edge set obliquely. [1350–1400; (v.) Middle English...
2. (Mechanical Engineering) machinery having a component that is at an angle to the main axis of an assembly or is in some other way asymmetrical: a skew bevel gear. 3. (Mathematics) maths a. composed of or being elements that are neither parallel nor intersecting as, for example, tw...
Skew Bevel Gear skew block skew bridge skew bridge skew bridges skew bridges skew butt skew chisel skew corbel skew correlation Skew curve Skew curve Skew deviation Skew deviation Skew deviation Skew deviation Skew dislocation Skew dislocation Skew dislocation skew distribution skew failure Skew field sk...
6. having a part that deviates from a straight line, right angle, etc.: skew gearing. 7. Statistics. (of a distribution) having skewness. n. 8. an oblique movement, direction, or position. 9. a wood chisel having a cutting edge set obliquely. [1350–1400; (v.) Middle English...