Sketchup: |- plugins: | |- mytool.rb // 注册文件 | |- mytool // 与注册文件同名的文件夹,放具体实现 | | |- main.rb // 入口 | | |- tool.js | | |- tool.rb | | |- images // 图像,按钮图标 | | | |- img01.jpg | | | |- img02.jpg | | |- otherfiles | | | |-...
C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins 如果找不到上面文件夹,看文件夹是不是被隐藏了,如果隐藏的话,打开文件选项对话框,按下图进行设置,就可以找到了。 2.对于那些通过安装程序进行安装的插件,可先将它们安装到草图大师2013或8.0版上,然后手动将插件程序复制到上面的文件夹...
3、如果还是没有,那就是SU有问题。另外:有的插件可能没有打开,需要打勾才能调出来, 插件也可能在...
Free download Plugins for Google SketchupSketchUp TutorialSketchup parametric urban design SimLab 3D PDF exporter 3.1 Sketchup full frame wood 2.0 Easysketch Sketchup Plugin Instant Roof Nui Plugin Scene Generator Plugin Maxwell Render Suite 3 SketchUp Instant Wall Plugin LightUp version 3.3 Curtain Wall...
免费下载SketchUp插件,SketchUp 插件百科大全,史上最新、最全的SketchUp插件库,免费下载,汇集全网SketchUp插件,一站式搞定!SketchUp Plugins Wiki
为什么我的SketchUp 8 没有plUGin工具栏?想要安装插件,可是发现没有plUGin,怎么办?求指点你装了插件...
OmniGrid- Cadalog Inc.: Omni Grid is a plug-in for SU Podium V2 or for SU Walk that allows you to create a grid of point lights or omni lights above or below a planar surface (SketchUp face). Plugin Commander Light- The Plugin Site: Plugin Commander is a useful application for selec...
SketchUp Plugin Index is a directory for plugins for Trimble’s 3D-modeling software SketchUp. Find, download, submit and rate plugins easily here.
I keep receiving the following message when trying to load the plug-in for Sketchup 2022. I believe I downloaded the appropriate version (1.3.1). Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you! Error loading OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-In: ...