One can easily createSketchupmaterial from image files like .jpg, .gif using the material browser. There are few Sketchup Plugin which already comes with the product like IRender andRPS 3D PDF. The different collection of texture in Sketchup Material library has much standard collection of bricks...
Sketchup.active_model.add_observer(MaterialLibraryPlugin)``` #material_library.rbclassMaterialLibrary definitialize VIP免费下载 收藏 分享赏 0 下载提示 1、该文档为VIP文档,如果想要下载,成为VIP会员后,下载免费。 2、成为VIP后,下载本文档将扣除1次下载权益。下载后,不支持退款、...
material_library=Sketchup.active_model.materials #检查材质是否已存在 material=material_library[name] ifmaterial.nil? #如果不存在,创建新材质 material=material_library.add(name) #设置材质颜色 material.color=color end #返回材质对象 material end
while preserving the fine edges of the objects< br>Material Replacement - Upload a material map or select a map from the material library, click on the redraw selection to replace it< br>Atmosphere transfer - while retaining the original image content, intelligently transfer the color tone and ...
square.material=model.materials[0] #提示用户 UI.messagebox(正方形已创建) end end #注册插件菜单Sketchup.add_command(创建正方形,square_plugin, SquarePlugin.method(:create_square)) 6.1解释解释 •引入引入SketchUp库库:requiresketchup.rb语句引入了SketchUp的Ruby库,这是使 ...
Windows:C:\\<UserName>\\AppData\\Local\\SketchUp\\SketchUp 2024\\SketchUp\\working\\Mac:/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2024/SketchUp/working/ 修复了使用 Ruby 制作的点画看起来不正确的问题 纠正了修复 Model Info/Statistics(模型信息/统计信息)中的问题时可能会擦除地形边缘的情况 (Win) 修复了...
Quick tips to use extrude tools sketchup plugin Demo of component finder, a new sketchup extension How to include v-ray materials in your sketchup models from v-ray material library How to create curved ramp with various sketchup plugins How to convert 2D floor plans to 3D with Dibac 201...
同时需要安装ttliBrary(tt插件调用库)才能正常使用(PS:由ly从建筑architecttools中提取) Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (1) SketchUp8三D模型库怎么联网? 共2条回答 > Ultraman 💭: 可以到这里找,httPS:// Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (2) SketchUp2019坯子库...
08与SUAPP插件库完美兼容Perfectly Compatible with SUAPP Plug-in Library SUAPP3.76中文插件库全新升级...
Vray Material Converter (Pro Version) 作者:A4Design Group更新时间:2024-07-10最新版本: (共7个版本) Vray材质转换器插件:SketchUp用户希望轻松转换材质以在Vray中使用的终极工具。我们的插件提供了对纹理和材料的直观操作,使您能够快速轻松地实现令人惊叹的可视化效果。购买许可证: