With the Dimension tool, you create dimension entities: finite lines with length information that communicate key model dimensions. Dimension entities move and update automatically as you create your model. The Dimension tool () is found in the following areas of the SketchUp interface: ...
25、olBox 数值调整栏):Numberinmm=FocalLength(透镜焦距默认值:90mm) ZoomWindowTool(窗口视图缩放工具) ZoomExtentsTool(范围视图缩放工具) Previous(±-个视图工具) WalkTool(漫游工具向上前进,向下后退)Shift=MoveVertically(于所处垂直面移动)Ctrl=Run(迅速移动)_VCB(ValueControlBox 数值调整栏):Number=EyeHeight...
Alternatively, change the focal length using millimeters, as you do in a camera.Tip: If you’re unfamiliar with the field-of-view concept, think of it this way: Humans have a field of view that’s about 180 degrees in front of them. If you narrowed that field to 90 degrees, you’d...
Two, shortcuts to set the general rules 1 letters and individual keys Represents the most commonly used commands.2, Ctrl+ (1) represents the Windows system command;(2) indicates the import and export command of the file;(3) indicates the commands associated with deletion.3, Alt+ (1) a ...
# The {Geom::Point2d} class allows you to work with a point in 2D space. Expand Down 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 lib/sketchup-api-stubs/stubs/Geom/Point3d.rb Show comments View file Edit file Delete file This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpret...
rendering/hIDden line 消隐线框显示 alt+2 rendering/shaded 明暗着色显示 alt+3 rendering/shaded with...
(1.m,0,0)view.draw_line(point1,point2)endendSketchup.active_model.select_tool(Tool.new)# Crashes SketchUpclassTooldefdraw(view)point1=Geom::Point3d.new(0,0,0)point2=Sketchup::InputPoint.new(Geom::Point3d.new(1.m,0,0))view.draw_line(point1,point2)endendSketchup.active_model.select...
(the point where you want to start your line), you can pick a second point to draw a line between those two points. You can do this either by clicking a second time, or by moving your mouse in the direction you’d like your line to go and typing a length, then hitting the enter...
_VCB(ValueControlBox数值调整栏):Number/units=Length(调整单一方向尺度) ●OffsetTool(偏移工具) _VCB(ValueControlBox数值调整栏):Number=Length Double-Click:Repeate ●OrbitTool(3D动态观察工具) ●PanTool(平移工具) ●ZoomTool(视图缩放工具) Shift=ChangeFieldofView _VCB(ValueControlBox数值调整栏):Number=View...