cut x 15 paste x 9 ntdll x 1 0xc0000374 x 1 virtualbox x 3 vm x 1 dado x 1 picture x 4 avatar x 2 scaling x 41 clippingplane x 8 trace x 2 tracing x 3 viewports x 15 scaletool x 8 offaxis x 4 fredoscale x 5 fundamentals x 4 ubuntu x 4 xr...
Previously, you may have accidentally moved an object when you really just wanted to change your selection. Now you're more likely to get the result you wanted. Also, selections and moves now occur when clicking on the actual object as opposed to the object's bounding box, strengthening that...
Keeping with the theme of the scene, you can now keep the cut plane visible for each scene. Why? Because the cut planes are grouped with objects, we want to make sure they behave like objects in terms of visibility for each scene. Before this change, only the top-level visibility of ...
Double-clicking to cut a corner with the Arc tool no longer fails to do the cut if the start and end of the arc were touching guides. Minor correction of a Classifier tool cursor appearance. Added the ability to set a custom protractor plane to the Rotated Rectangle tool by typing an a...
You can use one solid to cut another to create accurate joinery. Or you can take an object made of several parts and combine them into a single, solid outer shell for 3D printing. (Note: For more information about 3D printing, jump to Chapter 8: Creating Models for 3D Printing) JU...
(5)Edit>Cut - Ctrl+X 剪切,Windows系统命令。 24、字母Y 字母Y单独使用时是坐标系工具。Y 象形为三维坐标系,表示与坐标轴有关的命令。 (1)Tools>Axes – Y 定义用户坐标系。 (2)View>Axes - Alt+Y 坐标系显示切换。 (3)View>Reset axis(World) - Shift+Y 还原坐标系。 25、字母Z Z=Zoom,表示与...
remove objects within (example - add afunction curvefor an advanced cut). You can also make your own Knife by naming a group "theKnife". After insert and customizing the knife - positioning it to the object(s) where to cut - select the object(s) (must be groups) - and click cut!
sketchup的快捷键(ShortcutkeysforSketchUp)sketchup的快捷键(Shortcut keys for SketchUp)Shortcut key settings and command key points of SketchUp Install shortcut keys of SketchUp5.0 version Select the system properties command (Window>Preferences), System Preferences (in system properties dialog box, ...
Each shortcut is returned as a string with the shortcut and the command separated by a tab, similar to “Ctrl+A\tEdit/Select All” Examples: shortcuts = Sketchup.get_shortcuts Returns: (Array<String>) — an array of shortcut strings. Version: SketchUp 6.0 ...
SU_ERROR_GENERIC if the the points specified by outer_loop do not lie on a plane within 1.0e-3 tolerance SU_ERROR_NULL_POINTER_OUTPUT if face is NULL SU_ERROR_OVERWRITE_VALID if face already refers to a valid object enum SUResult SUFaceCreateSimple ( SUFaceRef * face, const struc...