Turn your photos into drawing, cartoons or sketch images in one click to create instant works of art. Different effects easy to use with full control. Save your creations and share them with your friends through Facebook, Twitter, and Email. Featur
A free app for Windows, by XnView Apps. Sketch Me! is a free program for Windows, that belongs to the category'Audio'. About Sketch Me! for Windows This software has been published on Softonic on December 12th, 2016 and we have not had the opportunity to try it yet. We encourage you...
Sketch Me!评分及评论 4.5(满分 5 分) 6,261 个评分 A father 007,2022/06/25 Really bad The app does not follow or use any iOS UI controls. On first launch, the app kept crashing and closing. This happens until you get on the wifi. Why do I need wifi to use the app? The image...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. Sketch Me!4+ Over 10 million downloads Bluebear Technologies Ltd. Designed for iPad 4.5 • 6.2K Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description The original #1 Sketch App on the AppStore. ...
Sketch Me Global is a Kolkata based potential organisation that automates the digital world and provides poles-apart technological enterprise solutions, digital services and intuitive business model.
打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。 Sketch Me! Sketch&Cartoon 4+ pierre gougelet 专为iPad 设计 4.8 • 530 个评分 ¥12.00 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 随着Sketch Me!您可以轻松地将照片制作成卡通或草图图像。 产品特点: •20种绘图效果(黑色描边,白色描边,蜡笔,铅笔素描,彩色素描,仿印章效果...
Instead of being asked every time, tick the Don’t ask me again checkbox in the alert, which you can change again via Sketch > Settings… > Layers in the ‘When Distributing‘ setting. This only applies if Pixel Fitting is enabled. What’s fixed Fixes a bug where the Text Underline ...
sketch me_FREE-version Version 1.00 November 6, 2011, initial release font(Font family name:sketch me_FREE-version;Font style name:Normal,obyčejné,normal,Standard,Κανονικά,Regular,Normaali,Normál,Normale,Standaard,Normalny,Обычный,N
Find documents in the Workspace window using search, sorting and filtering — or browse All Documents, Shared with Me, Recent Documents, My Drafts, or Projects. Dark Mode Use the web app in light or dark mode — or set it to match your system’s settings. Sharing feedback Public documen...
We love how easy Sketch is to jump into, no matter your level of expertise […] whether you're looking to create a mock-up for your website or app or an eye-catching icon. App Store Feature ReviewApple, October 2023 Sketch allows me to design with little limitation. The plethora of...