The Skeleton Key: Iain Softley द्वारा निर्देशित. Kate Hudson, Gena Rowlands, John Hurt, Peter Sarsgaard के साथ. एक डरावने न्यू ऑरलियन्
The WTF Happened to This Horror Movie series looks back at the 2005 film The Skeleton Key, starring Kate Hudson
B1 Movieclips 閣樓 詭異 鏡子 夫人 妻子 骷髏鑰匙 (2005) - 鏡子裡的幽靈場景 (4/10) - Movieclips (The Skeleton Key (2005) - Ghost in the Mirror Scene (4/10) | Movieclips) 7 0 林宜悉 posted on 2021/10/02 More Video vocabulary Filter Keywords spooky US /ˈspuki/ ・ UK...
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When it comes to any new “Star Wars” project, experience has taught us the key question isn’t one of talent, but whether true ingenuity can thrive under Disney’s heavy hand. The more “Star Wars” expands, the more “Star Wars” stays the same, and the structural cliches guiding “...
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When it comes to any new “Star Wars” project, experience has taught us the key question isn’t one of talent, but whether true ingenuity can thrive under Disney’s heavy hand. The more “Star Wars” expands, the more “Star Wars” stays the same, and the structural cliches guiding “...
The Skeleton Key: Directed by Iain Softley. With Kate Hudson, Gena Rowlands, John Hurt, Peter Sarsgaard. A hospice nurse working at a spooky New Orleans plantation home finds herself entangled in a mystery involving the house's dark past.