Which labeled part of the animal skeleton shown here most likely developed from the neural crest? a. structure A b. structure B c. structure C d. structure D Is the clavicle bone considered anterior or superior to the ribs? Where do all the symphysis joints in the human body occur? a....
The collagen receptor, discoidin domain receptor 2, functions in Gli1-positive skeletal progenitors and chondrocytes to control bone development Article Open access 09 February 2022 Introduction Fibrous tissues in the axial skeleton include the annulus fibrosus (AF) of the intervertebral disc (IVD),...
labeled probe. A supershift band was shown when the nuclear extract was pre-incubated with 2 μg GATA4 antibody, which confirms the presence of GATA4 in both bands.e,fThe quantitative PCR and ChIP gel shift assay for GATA4 binding toBarx1promoter in NCCs. Lane 1, DNA marker; Lane 2...