Only one previous study analyzed small nerve function using an obsolete and not adequate system: the Current Perception Threshold test [5]. This study for the first time provides a comprehensive analysis of the pain symptomatology in a cohort of 25 GD1 patients. In our cohort ERT showed to ...
The ultrastructurc of striated muscle has been re- viewed [118] and will not be discussed here except to point out that arguments relating to the limits of the extracellular volume in muscle [127, 129, 130] should take into account the sarcotubular system [69]. Flistological Approaches ...
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) work using nucleotide-analog spin label probes showed highly ordered myosin heads in relaxed fibers, when all the heads are dephosphorylated. This ordered structure of myosin cross-bridges disappeared with RLC phosphorylation (14). A new super-relaxed state (SRX...
Reduced glucose transport activity results in aberrant use of energy substrates and is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. It is well established that GLUT2, the main regulator of hepatic hexose flux, and GLUT4, the workhorse in insulin- and contraction-stimulated glucose uptake...
The MAP kinase family forms a major and ubiquitous intracellu- lar signalling system, related to cell growth, differenti- ation and survival [160]. Extracellular-regulated ki- nase 1/2 phosphorylation and p38 MAP kinase phos- phorylation are increased in response to forced con- traction of ...
Almost every muscle contains muscle spindles. These delicate sensory receptors inform the central nervous system (CNS) about changes in the length of individual muscles and the speed of stretching. With this information, the CNS computes the position and movement of our extremities in space, which ...
(4-15% separating gel, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and immunoblotting were carried out with routine protocols. Affinity-purifiedBmal1polyclonal antibody (Sigma-Aldrich, SAB4300614) was visualized with IRDye-conjugated secondary antibody using the Odyssey system (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA). ...
with Mauro commenting that 'It is exciting to speculate whether the apparent inability of cardiac muscle cells to regenerate is related to the absence of satellite cells'. Coincidentally, in February 1961 in a paper exploring the innervation of the frog muscle spindle, Bernard Katz also reported ...
To compare the relative abundance of matrisome proteins between adult and old muscle, we performed a label-free quantification, which was based on the measure of precursor ion intensities. Even though protein quantification can be performed on proteins identified with a single peptide [36], we pref...