tripping me back to high school when I attempted to teach myself to skate, before I fully understood the depths of my unathleticism and hopelessness when it comes to foot-eye coordination. (Speaking of tripping, that’s all I ever did on a skateboard.) But when I walked into Greenpoint’...
Status Skateshop is located in the Carlsbad village and is a classic staple that has been around for 8 years. This shop doesn’t just sell high-quality skateboards but also is a place for all levels of skaters to hang out and enjoy themselves. View Story Comments Like This Story Share ...
“Which is try and be open, try and be very aware of what's going on, and try to make the best things possible for today's generation while keeping it true to ourselves. I don't have a crystal ball. But I think that we'd have to stay the course if we're not as hot. We'd...