Skater XL on Nintendo Switch is an open, creative sandbox to skate, film, hang out and create, at your own pace. Packed with features like freeskate multiplayer, a replay editor, character customization and a growing library of downloadable user-generated mod skate gear and maps, Skater XL ...
Nintendo Switch 上的 Skater XL 秉承其精神,是一款开放、富有创意的沙盒游戏,您可以按照自己的节奏滑冰、拍摄、闲逛和创作。Skater XL 包含自由滑板多人游戏、重播编辑器、角色自定义和不断增长的可下载用户生成的模组滑板装备和地图库等功能,将为 Nintendo Switch 带来有史以来最流畅、反应最灵敏的逼真滑板游戏。 ...
switch《滑板XL Skater XL》是一款滑手专属游戏——Skater XL来填补这一空缺!你想做却不会的招,就让游戏里的角色来帮你实现! 日期:2021年12月 价格:待定 语言:英语 你把戏你的风格。无限的可能性。 Skater XL是滑板游戏的发展,并将其类型转向具有表现力的基于物理的游戏方式。 玩家在滑行传奇的真实滑冰点时将...
instagram, 视频播放量 1111、弹幕量 0、点赞数 66、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 3、转发人数 0, 视频作者 KickerClub, 作者简介 滑板不是为了改变世界,而是为了不被世界所改变。,相关视频:Tampa Pro 2023 决赛:Yuto Horigome 夺冠轮次,中文字幕:10 个滑板小技巧,让你滑
Skater XL, Nintendo Switch 44.5 out of 5 Stars. 4 reviews Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Tony Hawks Project 8 - Xbox Add $18.99current price $18.99Tony Hawks Project 8 - Xbox Shipping, arrives in 3+ days DOG MAN: Misson Impawsible, Nintendo Switch In 100+ people's carts Add $36.50...
Skater XL will launch for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam on July 28, and for the Nintendo Switch at a later date.A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as...
近日,Easy Day工作室官方宣布旗下滑板游戏《Skater XL》将延期发售,PS4、Xbox One和PC版的发售日变为2020年7月28日,Switch版的发售日暂未公开。 在公告中,Easy Day官方写道:“大家好!我们在此告知众位玩家,《Skater XL》将会于2020年7月28日正式发售,比原定的发售日期要晚上几周。尽管我们已经尽了最大的努...
Skateboarding enthusiasts on the Nintendo Switch can finally rejoice as Easy Day Studios has officially announced the release of Skater XL on December 5, 2023, priced at $39.99 USD. This follows a previous cancellation of the Switch release in 2020, making the upcoming launch ...
Sit down Tony - Update: Now with the proper 60fps trailer - the Nintendo one was apparently cut to 30. Enjoy! The absence of a truly great skateboarding ga...
Nintendo SwitchPCPS4Skater XLXbox Read Full Story >> 50° Skater XL Skatepark of Tampa Pro 2022 map out now gamefreaks365|1046d ago|News|0| ▼ Easy Day Studios launched a new update today for Skater XL that celebrates the upcoming 28th Annual Tampa Pro ska...