Integration of C4-specific PPDK gene of maize to C3 rice and its characteristics in relation to photosynthesis ZHANG Jianfu,Swapan K. Datta,WANG Guoying,... - 《Frontiers of Agriculture in China》...
Ü 简介: 北京艾漫数据科技股份有限公司成立于2012年。公司是一家将高新技术与创意文化产业相结合,力图以科技引领娱... T 友情链接 艾漫数据 更多a 391关注 358733粉丝 17188微博 微关系 她的关注(303) Fashion_Mok 图数室 微博红包 倍通信用 她的粉丝(35.9万) Maize_桉桉 请我吃红薯 游弋...
Maize produces separate unisexual flowers through programmed abortion of preformed organ primordia. In the male inflorescence (tassel), stamen primordia develop to sexual maturity, while gynoecia (pistil primordia) are aborted. In tasselseed2 (ts2) mutant plants, floral structures in the tassel adopt...
Mepal室外中心附近正在建造厌氧消化池和玉米夹, 剑桥郡-照片2(Anaerobic digester and maize clamps under construction near Mepal Outdoor Centre, Cambridgeshire - Photo 2) 新冠病毒检测中心(COVID testing centre) 霍尔特霍尔教育中心(Holt Hall education centre) 五角大楼中心, 查塔姆(The Pentagon Centre, Cha...
卖玉米,他们给你讲英语里corn和maize的区别。 甚至还能从玉米的品质,给你科普到“39-45度是个特别神奇的纬度区间,在世界各地都是对农作物、放牧业来说非常有利的地形。” 卖牛奶,他们讲人生哲理“Don't cry over spilt milk” “不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣,悟以往之不谏,知来者之可追。” ...
Telomeres and telomerase: The path from maize, Tetrahymena and yeast to human cancer and aging There was no road map for how to do this. But Joe Gall had already shown that a fraction of the molecules were circular when extracted from cells, a proper... EH Blackburn,CW Greider,JW Szosta...
An Escherichia coli-derived phytase can fully replace inorganic phosphorus in maize–soybean meal diets for growing-finishing pigs A total of 396 gilts (PIC 337 脳 C22 [synthetic white-line dam], 22.4 卤 2.3 kg body weight) was used in a four-treatment trial to investigate the effect o.....
Identification of the Phosphorylation Site of the V-ATPase Subunit A in Maize Roots In the present study our investigation shows that of purified from (L.) roots increases obviously V-type H~(+)-(V-) activities of ATP hydrolysis and H~(+) ... GS Liu,S Chen,J Chen,... - 《Acta ...
Integration of C4-specific PPDK gene of maize to C3 rice and its characteristics in relation to photosynthesis Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) is a key enzyme in photosynthesis in some plants that exploit the C 4 photosynthetic pathway for the fixation of C... J Zhang,SK Datta,G Wang...
Ammonia- and Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria are Dominant in Nitrification of Maize Rhizosphere Soil Following Combined Application of Biochar and Chemical Fert... FERTILIZERSGRASSLAND soilsAutotrophic nitrification is regulated by canonical ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing...