升级 openssl 环境至 openssl-1.0.1g 1、查看源版本 openssl version -a OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2...
用户层需要主动去poll这个async job的状态,是否是ASYNC_FINISHED状态。如果是finish状态,则继续后面的操作...
sk_系列的函数(如sk_new_null, sk_push, sk_pop_free等)是OpenSSL内部用于管理堆栈的。这些函数并不以openssl_sk_的形式出现。您可以通过查阅OpenSSL的官方文档或源代码来找到正确的函数名。 使用正确的函数或变量名: 如果您确实需要操作OpenSSL中的堆栈,应该使用像sk_new_null、sk_push等正确的函数。例如,如果...
/home/xxx//libmosquitto.so: undefined reference to UI_method_set_writer' /home/xxx//libmosquitto.so: undefined reference to BN_free' /home/xxx//libmosquitto.so: undefined reference to UI_OpenSSL' /home/xxx//libmosquitto.so: undefined reference to X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data' /home/xxx/...
HttpClient Sending X509 Certificate HttpClient very slow HttpGet with authorization header I am getting "XXX isn't responding". Do you want to close it? message in my application. I am using a DisplayAlert and I dont want it to disappear on clicking outside. I have an ObservableCollection<T...
Date: 02/18/2011Big delay when calling X509Certificate2 constructorHi all, The other day a customer of mine was experiencing big delays when making this kind of calls...Date: 02/18/2011EnvelopedCMS throws an "ASN1 out of memory" exception with files larger than 5 MB...