Utility from SK hynix that can administer and maintain your SSD drives with the ability to update firmware, check SMART status and enable/disable certain drive features. SK hynix Drive Manager Easy Kit is a freeware SSD optimization app and HDD tool developed by SK hynix for Windows, it's ...
SK Hynix Platinum P41 NVMe M.2 SSD 2TB 评测,第4页,提到SK海力士相信对于数码爱好者来说基本没有不知道,而其中存储方面作为SK海力士的重要业务,自然是其拥有者顶尖的产品.在个人消费级SSD里,最强的产品即本次评测的Platinum P41 SSD,其实该SSD与此前早些引入国内的SK ...
海力士硬盘管理工具(SK hynix Drive Manager)是海力士硬盘的管理软件,他支持所有SSD和HDD,但仅保证SK hynix SSD所有功能的可用性和正确操作。程序运行后将显示所有可用硬盘信息,包括硬盘的类型、容量、序列号及可用磁盘空间等信息,如果你的硬盘是海力士,那么还有更多功能。
The SL308 SSDs do not ship with any hardware accessories, but customers do gain access to SK hynix's SSD software tools (English downloads page). I wouldn't go as far as to call Drive Manager Easy Kit the best SSD utility, but it comes close. The software even alerted me to an is...