zero halogen Flexible cable for energy supply to heavy mobile equipment such as drag lines, shovels, dredges, drills, under extreme mechanical stresses and abrasions during trailing operations in opencast mines. Halogen-free polyurethane sheath...
3) When conduct inclining anchor cable construction, the auxiliary tower can be detached without influencing the other functions of the machine. 4) When conduct short anchor construction, the machine can achieve straight drilling through, which can be really time saving and ...
3) When conduct inclining anchor cable construction, the auxiliary tower can be detached without influencing the other functions of the machine.4) When conduct short anchor construction, the machine can achieve straight drilling through, which can be really time saving and conven...
Single Core XLPE Cable Servo Motor Driver 3 Phase Servo Motor Driver Black Metal Restaurant Chairs News New Join Company Guangxi Yuchai International Trade Co., Ltd. Company ProfileGuangxi Yuchai International Trade Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary company of Yuchai Group, which mainly engaged in the ex...
(AD/LDAP/RADIUS)进行用户身份认证; 支持用户可采用Web方式或客户端方式以及USB KEY等方式登陆TPN网关进行强制身份认证; 支持外挂审计服务器和较大容量的内置日志; 支持用户、应用、系统等日志,支持日志查找和定位功能; 支持PPPoE和DHCP(Server和Client)协议,支持:ADSL、Cable Modem、ISDN、FTTB、DDN、CDMA、GPRS等...
(AD/LDAP/RADIUS)进行用户身份认证; 支持用户可采用Web方式或客户端方式以及USB KEY等方式登陆TPN网关进行强制身份认证; 支持外挂审计服务器和较大容量的内置日志; 支持用户、应用、系统等日志,支持日志查找和定位功能; 支持PPPoE和DHCP(Server和Client)协议,支持:ADSL、Cable Modem、ISDN、FTTB、DDN、CDMA、GPRS等...
Cable Assemblies EMI Power Line Filters Fans Fan Power Cords Fan Accessories Heat Shrink Products Power Cords Power Supplies Safety Retainer Clips Sleeving Thermal Circuit Breakers NEMA & IEC Wiring Devices Related products FAD1-03010BHLW11 30x30x10mm, 5 VDC, 3 CFM, 2 Wire Leads, Hydro Dynamic...
Connection: UL 1007 AWG 24, 290mm Wire Leads Impeller Material: Plastic UL94V-0 Frame Material: Plastic UL94V-0 Operating Temp: -10°C~60°C Life Expectancy: 30,000 Hours Approvals: UL, cUL, TUV, CE AC Receptacles Cable Assemblies ...
请用一根保护地电缆(PGND Cable)将该点与大地连接起来, 拧紧固定螺母,以保证良好接地,要求接地电阻不大于 5 欧姆。如 果密码机是安装在 19 英寸标准机柜上,则要求 19 英寸标准机柜接 地。 警告:密码机工作时必须良好接地(保护地) ,否则密码机无法 可靠防雷,可能造成密码机及其对端设备的损坏。 2.3.4 连接...
请用一根保护地电缆(PGND Cable)将该点与大地连接起来,拧紧固定螺母,以保证良好接地,要求接地电阻不大于5欧姆。如果密码机是安装在19英寸标准机柜上,则要求19英寸标准机柜接地。 警告:密码机工作时必须良好接地(保护地),否则密码机无法可靠防雷,可能造成密码机及其对端设备的损坏。 2.3.4 1.交流电源 交流电源输入范...