Steven-Johnson Syndrome,中文名史蒂文-约翰逊综合征,英文缩写是SJS。1922年首先由Stevens和Johnson对该病进行了详细地描述。SJS是一种累及皮肤和黏膜的急性水疱病变,可发生在某些感染或口服某些药物后出现多形性红斑,是皮肤的轻度水疱性病变,多形性红斑进一步发展形成毒性表皮坏死溶解,这是一种急性致命的病变。该病的眼...
重症多形红斑型药疹(Steven-Johnson 综合征,Stevens-Johnson syndrom,SJS)及中毒性表皮坏死松解症(toxic epidermal necrolysis,TEN)是一组严重的急性罕见的药物诱导的皮肤黏膜炎症性疾病,属于重症药疹中相对常见的类型,临床表现为红斑、水疱、...
Steven-Johnson Syndrome(史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征):这是一种严重的皮肤黏膜反应,通常由药物过敏或感染引起。它会导致皮肤和黏膜的广泛损伤,严重时可危及生命。治疗史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征需要立即停用引起反应的药物,并给予支持性治疗和护理。 因此,当提到SJS时,需要根据具体情境来判断其指的...
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare, life-threatening conditions with a high mortality rate. SJS and TEN are used to denote a group of disorders closely related to each other, characterized by extensive epidermal necrolysis, and usually induced by drugs. ...
中英双语解读-Steven-Johnson 综合征(SJS).docx,Steven-Johnson 综合征(SJS) 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 药物与Steven-Johnson 综合征(SJS) 1 Stevens-Johnson syndrome 1 发病机制 2 Symptoms 3 临床表现 4 并发症 5 Causes 5 Complications 5 最常见的致敏药物包括:
Steven-Johnson Syndrome(史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征):这是一种严重的皮肤黏膜反应,通常由药物过敏或感染引起。它会导致皮肤和黏膜的广泛损伤,严重时可危及生命。治疗史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征需要立即停用引起反应的药物,并给予支持性治疗和护理。 因此,当提到SJS时,需要根据具体情境来判断其指的是哪一种疾病。如果是在讨论自身...
Stevens-Johnson syndrome is similar to a condition called toxic epidermal necrolysis, or TEN. TEN also causes your skin to slough off, and it's often a reaction of yourimmune systemto a medication. It also can be caused by an infection, tumor, or vaccine. ...
This syndrome is characterized by widely distributed erythematous or purpuric macules and papules, with fever and involvement of two or more mucus membrane surfaces. Although the term is frequently used as a synonym for erythema multiforme major, this syndrome is more severe, with target-like ...
网络释义 1. 史蒂芬强森症候群 ...,药物不良反应的症状轻者皮肤红疹、搔痒,严重者产生史蒂芬强森症候群(Steven-Johnson Syndrome SJS)、过敏性休克等…|基于17个网页
Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (SCAR) include Drug reactions with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) and Steven-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) which can be fatal conditions. This report discusses the case of a 24-year-old male patient who developed DRESS and SJS after taking dapsone as part ...