doi:Server=earth; Service=5150:GISWRGDB_STAGE; User=giswrgdb_stage;QuadBasins are drainage areas that were manually delineated from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic maps, and thus are based on contours and hydrography mapped at that scale. However, the boundaries have been ...
doi:Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; Database=gislib; User=gislib; VeThis data set contains one-foot topographic contours assembled from section-size ArcInfo coverages that were developed through a private-sector contractor using stereo plotting techniques and low altitude aerial photography. This ...
doi:Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=gislib; Version=SDE.DEFAULTThis data layer defines the extent of the St. Johns River Water Management District. A legal description of the District boundary was used as a guide to find map features from USGS 1:24,000 scale quad maps that coincide ...
Land cover and land use in the St. Johns River Water Management District based on 1999 and 2000 color infrared aerial photography. *** Data in this layer may change subject to internal review by SJRWMD project area staff. Contact GIS staff for more information. ***...
SJRWMD Land Use and Land Cover (1973)doi:Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; Database=sde; User=gislib; VersiLand use and land cover in the St. Johns River Water Management District based on 1972-1974 1:62,500 scale color-infrared aerial photography....
USGS Quad boundary ARCS are not coincident with contiguous Quad boundary arcs.doi:Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=gislib; Version=SDE.DEFAULTSjrwmdSt. Johns River Water Management Districtdownloadable dataManagement District (SJRWMD). 2000. Elevation: SJRWMD 5 FT Contour - Water - 1987...