2. 3 SJR 四分位数据 ( SJR quartile ) 和 JCR Journal Ranking SJR 四分位数据来源于 SCImago 研究小组网站 〃 scimagojr〃 com,在网站的期刊 查询中按 ISSN 号检索期刊信息。网站对检索出的期刊提供学科 领域( Subject Area) 和学科归属( Subject Category) ...
Indicators offered for each journal: H Index, Quartiles, SJR, Citations per document (4, 3 and 2 years), Total Cites, Self-Cites, External Cites per Document, Cites per Document, International Collaboration, Citable Documents, Non-Citable Documents, Cites Documents, Uncited Documents. The seri...
3 SJR (SJR quartile ) JCR 四分位数据 和 18 。 月 日发布的最新版数据 Journal Ranking 2. 2 眼科学期刊问卷调查 SJR 四分位数据来源于SCImago 研究小组网站 使用问卷方式进行期刊影响力调查是科研中 www . scimagojr. com ,在网站的期刊查询中按 ISSN , 的常用方法 其结果能够最直观的反映出期刊在研 ...
Why had journal quartile changed from last year?Every single year SJR is updated on June. Each year Scopus provides us an update database, and according to that new information, indicators are calculated. Annual data updating can modify journal's quartile from other years.Is this a predatory ...