【ICD号】N16.4* 【概述】 干燥综合征(Sjögrensyndrome,SS)是一种侵犯外分泌腺体尤以侵犯唾液 腺和泪腺为主的慢性自身免疫性疾病。主要表现为口、眼干燥,也可有多器 官、多系统损害。受累器官中有大量淋巴细胞浸润,血清中多种自身抗体阳 性。本综合征也称为自身免疫性外分泌腺病(autoimmuneexocrinegland diseas...
syndrome;Sjogren'sdisease;Sjogren氏综合征;古-豪二氏综合征;古- 米-斯三氏综合征;自身免疫性外分泌腺体病;keratoconjunctivitissicca; Sjoumlgren综合征;干燥性角结膜炎 【ICD号】N16.4* 【病因和发病机制研究的进展】 1.病因研究进展干燥综合征(SS)是以淋巴细胞在唾液腺和泪腺浸润后导 ...
Gougerot-Mikulicz-Sjogren syndrome;Sjogrens disease;Sjogren氏综合征;古-豪二氏综合征;古- 米-斯三氏综合征;自身免疫性外分泌腺体病;keratoconjunctivitis sicca; Sjouml gren综合征;干燥性角结膜炎 【ICD 号】N16.4* 【概述】 干燥综合征 (Sjögren syndrome,SS)是一种侵犯外分泌腺体尤以侵犯唾液 腺和泪腺...
Objective: To identify patients with co-occurring myasthenia gravis (MG) and primary Sjgren's syndrome (pSS) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).Background: To date there are 17 reported cases of coexisting MG and pSS in the literature. 70.6% of these patients were AChR antibody positive...
The primary Sjgren's Syndrome (SS) - a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease, which has some common pathogenic links with stress-related mental disorders. To evaluate the AEC and MD presentation in SS patients. 80 inpatients (mean age 46,2+12,3 yrs) suffering SS were enrolled in the study...
Mental disorders (MD) were diagnosed in accordance with ICD-10 criteria. Mean age of patients during MD and SS manifestation - 31,18卤14,6 and 34,6卤13,3 acc. The severity of depression, anxiety, stress and fatigue were measured by HADS, MADRS, HAM-A, PSS-10 and FSS. Results Among...
Primary SS patients were identified through an existing database from the Johns Hopkins Sjogren's Syndrome Center, and non-Sjogren's patients were identified using ICD codes for dry eye syndrome/keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Primary SS patients fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology's 2012 ...