手机东方财富网是东方财富网的手机门户网站,为亿万用户打造一个手机联通世界的超级平台,提供7*24小时全面及时的财经中文资讯,内容覆盖国内外突发事件、股市资讯、全球新闻、产业资讯、实用信息等。手机东方财富网触屏版 -
25.520最高价25.440最低价349.25万股成交量25.520今开25.540昨收8894.51万成交额1.83%换手率--市盈率(静)1.91亿总股本25.62052周最高--市净率48.66亿流通值22.16552周最低1.88股息TTM1.91亿流通股25.620历史最高7.39%股息率TTM0.31%振幅14.553历史最低25.467平均价1股每手 ...
收盘价 01/08 16:00 (美东) 25.360最高价25.300最低价 25.360最高价25.300最低价492.27万股成交量25.310今开25.330昨收1.25亿成交额2.62%换手率--市盈率(静)1.88亿总股本25.44652周最高--市净率47.58亿流通值23.18652周最低1.89股息TTM1.88亿流通股25.446历史最高7.44%股息率TTM0.24%振幅14.286历史最低25.331平均价...
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LinkedIn previously traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker LNKD. CoinList CoinList is an ICO platform. CoinList is where digital asset companies run their token sales. It selects companies to partner with after a diligence process involving its technical and market advisory ...
手机东方财富网是东方财富网的手机门户网站,为亿万用户打造一个手机联通世界的超级平台,提供7*24小时全面及时的财经中文资讯,内容覆盖国内外突发事件、股市资讯、全球新闻、产业资讯、实用信息等。手机东方财富网触屏版 -
Twenty mmol/L stock solution of SP600125 and 20 μmol/L stock solution of K252a were prepared in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and stored at -20 °C in the dark. SP600125 and K252a were prepared freshly for each experiment by serial dilution into 0.01% DMSO in RPMI 1640 medium. All ...
It could either negatively regulate the JNK pathway or have a JNK pathway-independent mechanism of action Drosophila Stock Center (BDRC, Bloomington, IN, USA). The UAS-slpr-RNAi (ID 106449) and UAS-msn-RNAi (ID 101517) strains were obtained from the Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center (VDRC, ...
Polyclonal antibodies against the BEFV M protein are from our laboratory stock. Anti-rabbit IgG (H + L) and anti-mouse IgG (H + L) antibodies were purchased from Kirkegaard & Perry Laboratories (Washington, DC., USA). Table 1 The catalog numbers and dilution factor of the ...