sortProWithArrivalTime(pro, num); ready_queue = (PCBQueue*)malloc(sizeof(PCBQueue)); if(!ready_queue) { printf("分配就绪队列头结点空间失败!"); exit(1); } queueInit(ready_queue); enterQueueOfRuntime(ready_queue,&pro[0]); time = pro[0].arrivalTime; while(ready_queue->size>0) ...
结构体自定义排序函数,调用stdlib.h库的系统快速排序qsort 1//sjf non-preemptive with same arrival time23#include<stdio.h>4#include<stdlib.h>5#defineN 501067structprocess {8intpid;9intbt;10intwt;11inttat;12};1314intcmp(constvoid* a,constvoid*b) {15structprocess c = *(structprocess*)a;16...
Interest in such protocols stems from the fact that a proper size-based scheduling policy can substantially improve the performance of a queueing system. In particular, a classic result of Schrage [38] assures that the shortest remaining processing time (SRPT) policy, giving preemptive priority to...
Its advent has solved all kinds of bottlenecks in sewing and finishing processes of traditional knitted and woven apparel industry at one fell swoop, conquering all difficult problems such as on-line real-time optimization of scheduling balance, data fault and so on. At the same time, it overco...
Due to the different sizes of meetings, there are certain differences in the scheduling of specific seats. (1) small meetings Small meetings generally refer to meetings with fewer participants and smaller meetings. Its main feature is that all participants should be lined up without the establishmen...
[41] found that linear, strictly subcritical resource sharing networks with Poisson arrivals and generally distributed document sizes, working under the SRPT, shortest expected remaining processing time (SERPT) and the least attained service (LAS) scheduling, may be unstable. Brown [16] investigated ...
The task arrangement of the workshop is the deepening of the production plan, which aims at making the plan clear to the production line. According to the growth curve, intelligent scheduling. marketing management The establishment of a marketing network can manage the goods and sales of offices...
(5) production management, which is the core of the management of shoemaking enterprises, generally includes these aspects: production process flow, production scheduling, production requisition, quality inspection and production warehousing. Shoemaking process is generally manual operation, and the labor ...
The industry has a long way to go, and the China Federation of textile industry has always followed its responsibilities and purposes. In such a historical period, we should further promote the exhibition industry, unify the deployment, integrate resources, unify the scheduling, and comprehensively ...
This is the specific application of the MRP principle in the field of commodity circulation, which mainly solves the supply plan and scheduling problem of distribution materials. Therefore, popularly speaking, DRP refers to a "reasonable distribution of material resources allocation, which ensures effect...