供应商3M3560魔术贴 Dual Lock SJ3560蘑菇搭扣 魔术扣可代加工 复购率:18% 13年 ¥0.3成交68笔 深圳市 3MSJ3560透明蘑菇搭扣3M Dual Lock Reclosable Fastener SJ3560 复购率:34% 7年 ¥1400.0成交2笔 中山市 透明SJ3560双重锁扣250目多次开合勾面魔术贴蘑菇搭扣 ...
3MSJ3560蘑菇搭扣透明强力背胶魔术贴DualLock尼龙蘑菇头波浪切段 3MSJ3560透明蘑菇搭扣3M Dual Lock Reclosable Fastener SJ3560 3M蘑菇搭扣 SJ3560透明带背胶魔术贴可裁剪250目子母3m蘑菇搭扣 正品3M透明蘑菇头搭扣 SJ3560透明搭扣 汽车内饰魔术贴搭扣 更多sj3560图片 阿里巴巴1688为您优选354条sj3560热销货源,包...
3M™ Dual Lock™ 蘑菇搭扣 SJ3560是传统机械紧固件(例如螺钉、螺母或螺栓)的便捷替代方案。它旨在提供一种耐用、可重复闭合的固定解决方案(可重复使用多次),可粘接各种基材,包括金属、玻璃及塑料,例如亚克力、聚碳酸酯和ABS。该搭扣外观呈半透明色。
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3560 consists of interlocking mushroom-shaped heads that easily slide over each other, allowing for positioning of parts before being snapped together. This fastening process creates a durable attachment and provides fast product assembly with great design flexib...
具有良好的耐温性,耐受220℉(104℃)高温适合室内外使用 3M™ Dual Lock™ 蘑菇搭扣 SJ3560是传统机械紧固件(例如螺钉、螺母或螺栓)的便捷替代方案。它旨在提供一种耐用、可重复闭合的固定解决方案(可重复使用多次),可粘接各种基材,包括金属、玻璃及塑料,例如亚克力、聚碳酸酯和ABS。该搭扣外观呈半透明色。
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners are positive locking, hidden fasteners designed for use in a variety of attachment solutions. They consist of continuous strips of polyolefin stems with a mushroom shaped top protruding up from the backing. When snapped toge...
3M™Dual Lock™可重复使用紧固件SJ3560,3M™Dual Lock™可重复使用紧固件SJ3560是传统紧固方法的便捷替代方案,例如螺钉,螺母或螺栓。它旨在提供耐用,可重新关闭的紧固解决方案,可粘合各种基材,包括金属,玻璃和塑料,如丙烯酸树脂,聚碳酸酯和ABS。这种紧固件具有半透明的外观。推荐应用:建筑板图形附件特种车辆(...
tape and then stick it on the wall or other smooth surface. ✨ Soft and durable: made of high-quality pvc material, which is soft and durable. it can be used for a long time. RELATED INFO:✨ Dual lock tape sj3560 250: the dual lock eclosing tape features a built-in high ...
应用: 多种轻小材质的临时性固定。如电子产品部件的固定,展览会布展等。 Loop & Hook : SJ3526,SJ3527 SJ3571,Sj3572; SJ3530,sj3531 Dual Lock: SJ3551,SJ3550,汽车火车内饰部件 固定 Sj4570,sj4580,sj3560,sj3561 ===
3M Dual Lock SJ3560背胶魔术贴报价规格:宽25.4mmx长1m整卷规格为:25.4mmx45.72m(1"x50Y),可按照客人要求定制任意分切,如需要分切请联络客服,谢谢.厚度:2片Dual Lock作用 扣在一起