Acrobat Sign for HR ServiceNow Acrobat Sign for SAP SuccessFactors Acrobat Sign for Workday Acrobat Sign for NetSuite Acrobat Sign for SugarCRM Acrobat Sign for VeevaVault Acrobat Sign for Coupa BSM Suite Utviklerdokumentasjon for Acrobat Sign Oversikt Webhooks Teksttagger Oversikt...
Acrobat Sign er forhåndsutviklet til å kjøre i bedriftsapplikasjoner fra bedrifter som blant annetSalesforce,Workday,ApttusogSAP Ariba. Nå kan du klargjøre, sende, spore og samle inn signaturer uten å gå ut av favorittapplikasjonen. ...
you can Cloud Run Service as a destination, and recently Cloud Run for Anthos has beenadded. Additionally, you can leverage a UI through the Google Cloud console allowing you to view, edit, and delete EventArc triggers. Lastly, you can find more details and samples onGitHub. ...
虽然Greylock 历史悠久,但机构始终有新鲜血液不断补充进来,涌现出了一批优秀的投资人。在 Cloud 软件时代,John Lilly 主导了对 Figma、Dropbox 的投资;Josh Mcfarland 投中了 Coinbase;Reid Hoffman 联合 DeepMind 的 co-founder 一起创立了…… 中国的投资机构已经走过二十多个春秋,也不得不面对接班...
Our cloud migration continues at pace with over 50% of legacy on-premise workloads migrated to the cloud by the end of Q1, with three more data centres closed in Germany, North America and Brazil during the period. No new campuses were opened in the quarter, but several new campus openings...
I had a corporate job, and my wife and I were living in Milan with our two small children. Every workday, I would drive them downtown from our home on the outskirts of the city. And every day, we would enter a cloud of smog, where pollution exceeded the safe levels set by the ...