Detection of the Highest-Grade Lesion in Multifocal Discordant Prostate Cancer by Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging We investigated the detectability of the highest-grade tumor using preoperative mpMRI in 50 cases in which the lesions of the largest size and highest-grad... K Matsumoto,H Aki...
particularly focusing on the impact of the protein corona, which could induce aggregation. In this scenario, we used human serum for the experimental group and phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for the control group, to reflect the basic physiological conditions the ESIONs might ...
the tissue is exposed during surgery or after it is resected (e.g., human colon tumor38). To summarize, we have developed a hand-held pen type instrument (EPen: Elastic modulus Pen) to measure the local elastic modulus of soft materials and tissues on site, where the tip of the pen ...
The PCI technique uses visible light excitation in combination with a co-administered photosensitiser (PS) and is designed specifically to address the problem of sequestration of bioactive agents in endolysosomes, so it could also be applied not only to cancer but also non-cancerous lesions. PCI...
on-a-Chip Platforms for High-Performance DiagnosticsMobile DiagnosisMolecular Biomarkers for Cancer Targeted TherapeuticsNMR in MedicinePlanning and Evaluating Agreement and Reliability StudiesPositron Emission Tomography (PET) in Cardiology and OncologyProstate Cancer DiagnosisPulmonary Hypertension: Diagnosis and ...