如果你并不知道到底有多少个数据,但是你知道数据的增长率,Vector确实有一点点优势,因为你可以指定增加值(译者按,如果没有猜错的话,作者说的方法应该是setSize(int newSize) Sets the size of this vector.)。 Usage patterns ArrayList和Vector在从指定位置取得元素,从容器的末尾增加和删除元素都非常的有效,所有的...
Vector 和 ArrayList 都是 list 的动态数组实现,他们都继承于 AbstractList,实现了都同时实现增删查改操作。但 Vector 它是线程安全,而 ArrayList 是线程不安全的,Vector 每个对集合的方法操作都需要先申请集合的对象锁,这样可以保证在同一时刻只有一个线程能操作集合,若当前锁被占用,申请不了锁,则线程只能处于阻塞状...
LastIndexOf RemoveAllElements RemoveElement RemoveElementAt RemoveIf ReplaceAll SetElementAt SetSize Size Sort Spliterator TrimToSize WeakHashMap Java.Util.Concurrent Java.Util.Concurrent.Atomic Java.Util.Concurrent.Locks Java.Util.Functions Java.Util.Jar ...
}/*** Creates a bit set whose initial size is large enough to explicitly * represent bits with indices in the range {@code0} through * {@codenbits-1}. All bits are initially {@codefalse}. * *@paramnbits the initial size of the bit set *@throwsNegativeArraySizeException if the speci...
Non primary type is no exception: the Java language specification did not involve this kind of question: how should class field calibration or Boolean permutation in the internal JVM cannot be as simple as a bit vector to achieve in the physical store. Error 2: serial objects into a bit of...
Java.Util Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Returns the number of components in this vector. C# [Android.Runtime.Register("size","()I","GetSizeHandler")]publicoverrideintSize(); Returns Int32 the number of components in this vector Implements ...
The returned SizeRequirements object has an alignment of 0.5 (centered). The space requirement is never more than Integer.MAX_VALUE. Parameters: children - the space requirements for a set of components. The vector may be of zero length, which will result in a default SizeRequirements object ...
/** 测试vector、list、set调用empty和size的耗时是否为常数, 结论:empty()的调用时间都是常数,list的size()的调用时间非常数 使用建议:判断成员是否为空时使用...cost time(ms):0 test list.size(): ...
Island faunas can be characterized by gigantism in small animals and dwarfism in large animals, but the extent to which this so-called ‘island rule’ provides a general explanation for evolutionary trajectories on islands remains contentious. Here we us
/** 测试vector、list、set调用empty和size的耗时是否为常数, 结论:empty()的调用时间都是常数,list的size()的调用时间非常数 使用建议:判断成员是否为空时使用...cost time(ms):0 test list.size(): ...