Game of Thronesfans never lack for dragon appreciation, but there are diminishing returns to their escalation in size, and difficulty to portray onscreen. Leave it to Season 7 to make them even bigger, now estimating Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal to be the size of commercial jets. First-timeG...
"The dragons this year are the size of 747s," Shakman said. "Drogon is the biggest of the bunch—his flame is 30-feet in diameter!"Obviously, the Game of Thrones creators probably didn't measure out the dragons to be the precise size of a Boeing airliner, but just so you know, ...
Although the episode count is smaller in the next season of Game of Thrones, the dragons certainly are not. Daenerys Targaryen's massive pets are reportedly the size of Boeing aircrafts in the upcoming installment of the series. "The dragons this year are the size of 747s," Matt Shakman...