We discuss efforts to make sense of this correlation, and note several pitfalls involved in giving it a causal interpretation. Against this background, we discuss two explanations of why several countries with high taxes seem able to enjoy above average growth: (i) that countries with higher ...
16. These universal cytogenomic relationships result, by extension, in strong correlations with organism-level traits of selective importance, suggesting adaptive consequences
Heagerty, Liang, and Zeger, are a function of several features of the study, including the response rates for each group, the number of repeated observations per participant, and the strength of the association among observations within participants as quantified with an intraclass correlation coeff...
Distributions that violated statistical assumptions were analyzed using nonparametric tests (i.e., Spearman correlation and Mann-Whitney U test). Simple (nonparametric) correlation analyses were calculated from the correlation matrix of the response variables and plotted using “ggcorrplot” v0.1.382. ...
of investigators have suggested that ratios should not be used, mainly because their distributions usually violate the assumptions of parametric statistical tests, or because they lead to spurious relationships that invalidate the interpretation and statistical significance of regressions and correlations. As...
and signal discrimination3,4,5,6,7,8,9. This has given rise to the hypothesis that labyrinth form varies among species according to their ecological specializations3,6. Hypothesized correlations between labyrinth form and locomotor behaviors are particularly widespread, because different locomotor mode...
So, the correlation between the x-ray source size and the hot electron path inside the solid target is investigated by varying the thickness of a molybdenum foil as target down to 4 µm and the laser focal spot size is varied for two fixed laser energies and one fixed laser intensity ...
Two interpretations, involving pollen competition and flower size, are discussed. There is also an interspecific correlation between pollen grain number per flower and ovule number per flower. Some consequences of these correlations for the interpretation of pollen-ovule ratios and sex allocation ...
The experiment was not designed to examine these correlations so very little may be concluded in this field. However, there are some indications we can take a closer look at. They are in accordance with the model. Transmittance quotient versus number of molecules According to the model the ...
Detection and identification of proteins are typically achieved by analyzing protein size, charge, mobility and binding to antibodies, which are critical for biomedical research and disease diagnosis and treatment. Despite the importance, measuring these