// printf("printIntPointerArray() finished...\n\n"); } void printCharArray(char * arrayName, char * arr, int length) { // 如果在函数内用sizeof来获得函数外传入的数组长度,会发现数组退化成了指针,获得的只是指针的长度 //printf("\nprintCharArray() loading...\n"); // 打印字符数组元素...
printf("Size of array arr: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(arr)); printf("Size of one element in arr: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(arr[0]));// 指针大小int*ptr = &a; printf("Size of pointer ptr: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(ptr));// 结构体大小structPerson {charname[50];intage; };structPerson person;...
1.c: In function ‘printSize’:1.c:4:25: warning: ‘sizeof’ on array function parameter ‘...
sizeof(int));printf("Size of double: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(double));printf("Size of char: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(char));printf("Size of array: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(arr))
Let us see some example programs where we are calculating the number of elements in the array (size of the array) without knowing the data type of elements. Example program 1: #include <stdio.h> intmain(int argc, char *argv[])
下面的编译器输出中, A 是 array, P 是 pointer,i 表示 int。 a的类型是 int [3],&a 的类型是 int (*)[3],是数组指针。假设 int 为 4 个字节,则 sizeof(a) == 12,sizeof(&a) == 4。数组类型变量在指针的加减计算或函数参数传递的时候,都会退化成指针。说到这,要区分数组指针和指针数组两...
cout<<"The size of a char is:"<<sizeof(char)//1<<"\nThe length of"<< szHello <<"is:"<<sizeof(szHello)//6,字符串大小 = 本身字符 + '\0'<<"\nThe size of the pointer is"<< getPtrSize(szHello) << endl;//4 ,当64位机时,指针位8字节cout<<"The size of a a array is...
#include <stdio.h>intmain() {inta=9;charb='a';floatc=8.7;doubled=0.99;longe=12;longlongf=13;longlongintg=16; printf("sizeof a+c which is of type int+float is: %lu\n",sizeof(a+c)); printf("sizeof c+d which is of type float+doyble is: %lu\n",sizeof(c+d)); printf...
In c++, if the pointer object characterized like a type of char ,int or float in array. So the pointer address contains the 2 bytes address. Was this answer useful? Yes Replyuvesh Jun 21st, 2016 It is only possible when we declare char pointer (char *p) and print the ("%d",s...