char* pc = “abc”; int* pi; string* ps; char** ppc = &pc; void (*pf)(); // 函数指针 sizeof( pc ); // 结果为4 sizeof( pi ); // 结果为4 sizeof( ps ); // 结果为4 sizeof( ppc ); // 结果为4 sizeof( pf ); // 结果为4 指针变量的sizeof值与指针所指的对象没有...
char 16bit float 32bit double 64bit boolean 1bit,This data type represents one bit of information, but its "size" isn't something that's precisely defined.(ref) Java基本数据类型大小 private static void calSize() { System.out.println("Integer: " + Integer.SIZE/8); // 4
sizeof(i); //值为4,等价于sizeof(int) sizeof i; //值为4 sizeof(2); //值为4,等价于sizeof(int),因为2的类型为int sizeof(2 + 3.14); //值为8,等价于sizeof(double),因为此表达式的结果的类型为double char ary[sizeof(int) * 10]; //OK,编译无误 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8...
而在C/C++中需要sizeof是因为移植,不同的数据类型在不同的机器上大小可能不同,程序员必须知道对应的数据类型大小。 详细介绍 Java数据类型 Java基本数据类型 int 32bit short 16bit long 64bit byte 8bit char 16bit float 32bit double 64bit boolean 1bit Java基本数据类型封装类 Integer // 4 byte Short ...
Character char Float float Double double Boolean boolean Java基本数据类型大小 publicclassCalcsizeof {privatevoidcalcSize() { System.out.println("Integer:" + Integer.SIZE/8); // Integer:4 System.out.println("Short:" + Short.SIZE/8); // Short:2 ...
in" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 102); box-sizing: border-box;">std; int main() { char p[] = { 'a', 'b',
Namespace: Java.Lang Assembly: Mono.Android.dll The number of bits used to represent a char value in unsigned binary form, constant 16. C# Copier [Android.Runtime.Register("SIZE")] public const int Size = 16; Field Value Value = 16 Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks The ...
CharSequenceConsts Class ClassCastException ClassCircularityError ClassFormatError ClassLoader ClassNotFoundException ClassValue CloneNotSupportedException Compiler Deprecated DeprecatedAttribute Double Enum EnumConstantNotPresentException Error Exception ExceptionInInitializerError ...
The number of bits used to represent a char value in unsigned binary form, constant 16. Added in 1.5. Java documentation for java.lang.Character.SIZE. Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms descri...
Java基本数据类型 int 32bit short 16bit long 64bit byte 8bit char 16bit float 32bit double 64bit boolean 1bit This data type represents one bit of information, but its "size" isn't something that's precisely defined.(ref) Java基本数据类型大小 ...