package="com.lzp.multipackagedemo"> <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="${app_icon}" android:label="${app_name}" android:supportsRtl="true" android:theme="@style/AppTheme"> <activity android:name=".MainActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action...
打开配置文件: 找到并打开studio.vmoptions文件。这个文件通常位于以下路径: Windows:C:\Users\<Your_Username>\.AndroidStudio<version>\studio.vmoptions macOS:~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio<version>/studio.vmoptions Linux:~/.AndroidStudio<version>/studio.vmoptions 添加或修改Heap Size设置: 在studio.vmo...
就在迷茫的时候发现这个WerewolfPBProto类上面有一小行提示,如下图: image.png 终于找到了问题的根源,因为studio对能关联的文件大小做了限制,主要是为了保护内存,默认值为2500kb,解决办法如下: 1.在studio的安装目录,中的bin文件夹里面有个idea.properties文件,如下图: image.png 2.我们要修改idea.properties文件,...
The Size Analyzer is a tool for developers to understand the size of their Android application. How to build the size analyzer The tool can be built using gradle. An executable jar can be built using the command below: ./gradlew :analyzer:executableJar How to use the size analyzer The ex...
Real-time preview during layout is an important part of the development phase, in many cases, the default preview device provided by Android Studio does not fully display our design, so we need to create the virtual device ourselves, under the dp, pt, in, mm four units of virtual device ...
Real-time preview during layout is an important part of the development phase, in many cases, the default preview device provided by Android Studio does not fully display our design, so we need to create the virtual device ourselves, under the dp, pt, in, mm four units of virtual device ...
方法一:菜单window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Enable auto activation 选项要打上勾 windows-->preference-->workbench-->keys 下设置Content Assist 的快捷键window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced 上面的选项卡 Select the proposal kinds contained in the '...
Integrated insideAndroid Studio or usable from the command line, you can useapkanalyzeras a way to provide immediate insight into the composition of your APK. You can even compare differences between two APKs. Using APK Analyzer will help you reduce the size of your APK by inspecting your DEX... 现在来介绍基本的使用方法 首先是依赖 私有依赖 implementation ‘me.jessyan:autosize:1.1.2’ 共有依赖 api ‘me.jessyan:autosize:1.1.2’ 第二步是在你的配置清单里面,配置你的屏幕宽高 注意用dp来配置 ...
Appendix D: Adding AndResGuard to the Whitelist in the Obfuscation Configuration File in Android Studio React Native Event Description User Attribute Description Data Export Description Cordova About the Service Version Change History Preparing the Development Environment Configuring App Information...