1、首先打开VS,新建一个 使用sizeof求出数组的大小 project。2、接着在左侧文件树添加一个 sizeof.c 源文件。3、其里面有stdio.h和stdlib.h头文件,也可自己输入。4、然后输入main函数主体及返回值。5、定义一个数组,使用sizeof计算出数组的大小。6、最后编译运行程序,便能输出数组的大小。
计算sizeof(S1)时,min(2, sizeof(i))的值为2,所以i的偏移量为2,加上sizeof(i)等于6,能够被2整除,所以整个S1的大小为6。同样,对于sizeof(S3),s的偏移量为2,c2的偏移量为8,加上sizeof(c2)等于9,不能被2整除,添加一个填充字节,所以 sizeof(S3)等于10。现在,朋友们可以轻松的出一口气了,还有一点要...
charconst*static_string ="Hello";//sizeof(static_string)是sizeof一个指针,所以在32bit system是4charstack_string[] ="Hello";//sizeof(stack_string)是sizeof一个数组,所以是6*sizeof(char)char*string = newchar[6];strncpy(string,"Hello",6");//sizeof(string)是sizeof一个指针,所以还是4。//...
typedef short WORD; typedef long DWORD; cout<<(sizeof(short) == sizeof(WORD))<<endl; // 相等,输出1 cout<<(sizeof(long) == sizeof(DWORD))<<endl; // 相等,输出1 结论:自定义类型的sizeof取值等同于它的类型原形。 (3)函数类型 考虑下面的问题: int f1(){return 0;}; double f2(){re...
A 34-year study of captive green turtles (Chelonia mydas) that followed individuals from hatching to beyond maturity provided an opportunity to evaluate these parameters in a long-lived species with late maturity. Age and size at maturity are best predicted by linear growth rate and mass growth ...
I can see and select A4 from a long list of 'forms' but I have no idea what I do with it or how to use it. On the other hand Distiller makes perfect sense. I'd never have thought that a different App could interfere with my Acrobat settings, but then I gue...
20W **Precision Cutting for Professional Business Cards** The SK316 Business Card Cutting Machine is a robust and reliable tool designed for the creation of professional-grade business cards. This electric business card cutter is a perfect addition to any office or workspace, ensuring that your bu...
Low Price Printing Advertising Posters A4 Size Diecut Stickers A sticker is a type of label: a piece of printed paper or plastic with pressure sensitive adhesive on one side. They can be used for decoration, depending on the situation. They can come in many different ...
I know he will enjoy them and they will last him a long time. Plus, DXL was the only company with his size and QUALITY for a decent price. thank you DXL -you have earned my business from now on!! Linda Jo Cook PS the order arrived BEFORE it was expected...even better! LJ 00 ...
32位C++中的基本数据类型,也就char,short int(short),int,long int(long),float,double, long double 大小分别是:1,2,4,4,4,8, 10。 考虑下面的代码: cout<<sizeof(unsigned int) == sizeof(int)<<endl; // 相等,输出 1 unsigned影响的只是最高位bit的意义,数据长度不会被改变的。