An empirical test of the relationship between the price of land and size of plotLin, TEvans, A.W
With a view to its use in relation to land consolidation programmes, we present an index for evaluation of land distributions that takes both plot size and plot shape into account and is designed for computer implementation in a geographical information system. The new Combined Size and Shape Ind...
Super Size Me: Directed by Morgan Spurlock. With Chemeeka Walker, Dania Abu-Rmaileh, Amanda Kearsan, Christian Baucher. While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet
Whether the negative relationship between farm size and crop productivity that is confirmed in a large global literature holds in Africa is of considerable policy relevance. Plot-level data from Rwanda point toward constant returns to scale and a strong negative relationship between farm size and crop...
Island faunas can be characterized by gigantism in small animals and dwarfism in large animals, but the extent to which this so-called ‘island rule’ provides a general explanation for evolutionary trajectories on islands remains contentious. Here we us
Promoting the circulation and integration of adjacent farmland, appropriately expanding plot size, and reducing the cost of crop straw incorporation will help promote FWIS. 展开 关键词: Benefit expectations Crop straw incorporation Farmland size Land management Soil fertility ...
Label-free characterization of single biomolecules aims to complement fluorescence microscopy in situations where labeling compromises data interpretation, is technically challenging or even impossible. However, existing methods require the investigated
The paper also investigates the impact of land fragmentation on productivity and labor input per acre, and finds a positive relationship. These results favor labor-centered theories that point to higher labor input per decare as the source of the inverse size-yield relationship. 展开 ...
(1.LaboratoryofLandQuality,MinistryofLandandResources,Beijing100193,China;2.ResearchCenterofLandUse andManagement,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing100193,China) Abstract:Thepurposeofthestudyistoexploretherelationshipbetweenplotsizeandscaleefficiencyofland consolidation,andstudyingtheex-postquantitativeevaluationmethodfo...
10). PDs can occur as isolated structures situated close to Olympia Undae such as PD-03, or as landmarks placed among other small landforms such as PD-05 and PD-06. 4.2.2. Simple domes (SD) This subgroup is composed of 6 landforms (Fig. 11) that follow a longitudinal alignment near...