Refinery29’s YouTube channelart ranks among the most ingenious we’ve ever seen. Instead of repeating their logo again, which is also part of the home page, they went in a completely different direction. They wrote out their company name “Refinery 29” in block lettering, which is compris...
Given YouTube’s inherent visual nature, your content needs to have a whole lotta spark to it. Before you even put something on film, let’s think about your channel. It all starts with your YouTube channel art, which is why we’ve put together this beginner’s guide on using the rig...
YouTube Banner / Channel Art 2560 x 1440 YouTube Thumbnail 1280 x 720 YouTube Channel Icon 800 x 800 YouTube Intro 1920 x 1080 YouTube Outro 1920 x 1080 YouTube Display Ad 300 x 250 YouTube Display Ad Long 300 x 60 YouTube Overlay Ad 480 x 70 Need sizes for other social media ac...
Planning the YouTube Banner Size for all Devices By now, you have an idea of what a channel banner (channel art) is and that there are different sizes to be aware of, and the importance of understanding each margin size in your channel art. You need to know a few key YouTube banner...
Download our free PSD template for the YouTube's new One Channel design. Max size is 2560x1440.
Getting the right YouTube banner size is an important first step to make your channel really stand out. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about YouTube banner dimensions, as well as exploring what makes great channel art in 2024. ...
YouTube Image Sizes ➔ YouTube channel art: 2560 x 1440 pixels |Learnhow to create YouTube Channel Artwith FREE templates ➔ Be sure to grab the template as cropping varies wildly from TV to mobile to desktop. ➔ Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720 pixels ...
2. What Is The Perfect Size for a YouTube Banner? The perfect size for a YouTube banner also known as YouTube channel art is 2560 x 1440 pixels. Plus, minimum banner dimensions of 1024 x 576 pixels. That means the platform won’t allow you to upload a banner less than this size. ...
The production quality on YouTube is amazing. There are plenty of amateur channels, of course, but there are also many channels that live up to a lofty standard. If you want potential viewers to think of your video in the latter category—a channel that delivers excellent quality—taking ...
YouTube Profile Photo Just like all other social media platforms, you can upload profile pictures on YouTube as well. This profile photo is also called theYouTube channelicon, and you can either use a picture of yourself or your logo. ...