MSELoss(size_average=False).div(batch_size)得到平均图像loss a=torch.Tensor([[1,1],[1,1]]) b=torch.Tensor([[0,0],[0,0]]) f=nn.MSELoss() f(a,b)>>>tensor(1.) f= nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) f(a,b)>>>tensor(4.)...
criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss(size_average=True) 改为: criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction='mean') 1. 2. 3. criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss(size_average=False) 改为: criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction='sum') 1. 2. 3. 其它损失函数更改方法类似 原代码: test_loss += F.nll_los...
Second, this package is designed tointerfacewith the North American Breeding Bird Survey data (, doi:10.5066/P9HE8XYJ), but I have taken care not to redistribute any actual data from the Breeding Bird Survey in the package ...
We derive a method that approximates the average power across the differentially expressed genes, and then calculate the sample size to achieve a desired average power while controlling FDR. Simulation results demonstrate that the actual power of several popularly applied tests for differential ...
I find that smaller classes have smaller achievement gaps on average and that class size reductions may be relatively more effective at closing achievement gaps than raising average achievement; however, class size effects on both average achievement and achievement gaps are small. [ FROM PUBLISHER] ...
In this work, r is roughly chosen to be half of the average radius of the nucleus. True positive (TP) detections are defined as detected results that lie in the ground-truth region. False positive (FP) detections refer to detection results that lie outside of the ground-truth region. ...
S1) reflects the average global ocean depth20. This in turn captures the extensive microbiome of uncultured marine microorganisms in the dark and cold deep ocean, the largest habitat by volume in the ocean20. Overall, these results suggest strong environmental selection on microbial genome sizes, ...
when grand and average effect sizes were more than 0.9, except Naïve Bayes exhibited poor performance for small sample sizes. In addition, the variance in accuracy and both effect sizes were large in small sample sizes, which substantially decreased with increasing the sample sizes. In contrast...
Average genome size estimates (C-values) were obtained for a total of 142 chondrichthyan species: 71 sharks, 68 batoids, and 3 chimaeras. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among major chondrichthyan lineages (ANOVA:F(2,139) = 19.04,p < 0.001***), with sharks...
True to show the bubble size for the data labels on a chart. False to hide. Read/write Boolean. C# 複製 public bool ShowBubbleSize { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Remarks The chart must first be active before you can access the data labels programmatically or a run-t...